Igor Dryomin:
Elena Kosyachenko. Personal exhibition "MOSCOW:
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Moscow is changing, growing in width and in height. Old Moscow has become an archipelago of islands consisting of old and new houses and palaces. The unity of the fabric of the old city has disappeared, but it still remains in the memory of the inhabitants of the city, a small part of which are artists who feel the spirit of the place, perhaps more sharply than others. A city with clean architecture without ads is a thing of the past. The islands of old Moscow still retain the spirit of the times - traces of rain and wind on the plaster, crumbling stucco molding, double threads of wooden windows, the smell of dry wood and wet stone. Silhouettes of temples and bell towers are blocked by new buildings, street prospects are closed by glass blocks of offices.
Exhibition "MOSCOW: Genius-Loci". An attempt to stop the spectator’s dismayed gaze, stop for a moment in order to capture the impression of the past. The geniuses of the place are still alive, they are hiding in the courtyards and alleys, flying on the roofs and domes. A classic mansion, ancient chambers, a temple are places where they still live.
Old streets, their curved lines are striking in their appeal. In some places there were islands until which the human hand did not reach. And they are hiding like precious stones in a huge metropolis of life. Unusual beauty of stucco molding, curved lines of reliefs and barillefs. Antique sculptures flaunt on the facades of buildings. City estates of the 19th century in which balls were once held for noble people.
All this is our heritage, a long history and culture that must be protected and protected.
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