Spiritual development of personality
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A key aspect in everyone’s life is spiritual development. The painstaking and difficult work on your mind helps to evaluate and react to difficult life situations in a different way, to develop qualities such as tolerance, understanding and emotional stability. Spiritual development implies the ability to manage your emotions, the possession of endurance and the desire for self-improvement. It becomes easier for a person to live, set priorities correctly, and an understanding of the value of actions and the futility of empty chatter and promises comes. People are judged by their actions. It happens that you meet a person, he will tell you and promise so much that at first you will believe him and wait for him to fulfill them. But do not live in illusions.
A person can only change his life independently, fill it with meaning, statement and implementation of tasks. Do not rely on others. We ourselves are the creators of our future. And only we can make our life what we dreamed of in childhood and dreamed in youth. Only constant work on oneself, forward movement and perseverance will help us become successful and independent of others. Independence is the main feature of modern time. Both women and men are striving for this. It is great when your life is only in your hands, when you can solve your problems yourself and, if possible, help those who ask for it. Do not give anyone unnecessary advice. Nobody will use them. Everyone learns from their mistakes. No wonder our country is called the country of councils. All they do is give advice to each other. And rarely anyone can help business. Empty words thrown on the go, and go into the void. If you can’t help, better keep silent. A person needs to collect his thoughts, time must pass so that he can assess the current situation and adequately resolve it. Life poses obstacles before us, testing us for endurance and the ability to bend in one case or another.
Harmony is the main virtue for a happy life. Harmony is not only with oneself, but also with the environment. To become a part of the Universe, to understand the language of nature and to be one with it is a difficult but solvable task. For this, it is necessary to study esoteric practices and learn the origins of meditation, feel the powerful flows of cosmic energies and become their intermediary. The oldest technology teaches all this - space energy , which is adapted by the followers of its founder - academician Petrov V.A. to modern conditions. Primary education will help to understand its meaning and basic aspects. Further development of energy channels will reveal the subtleties of human interaction with space. Filled with subtle energies, the Universe is a complex structure, having solved it, it will become easier for a person to readjust to complex quantum transitions. The ability to perceive and interact with hard energies, which are an integral part of the dynamic rhythm of progress and development of all branches of life, will allow a person to keep up with the times. A person is simply obliged to reveal all the talents inherent in him from birth. To do this, he needs a comprehensive development and identification of those areas in which he will be able to fully realize himself and fulfill his mission of being born into this world - development and improvement. Therefore, throughout life, a person has to discover new horizons and set new tasks, go and move towards a brighter future that we are laying for future generations. It’s all up to us. The life of our children and grandchildren depends only on us. To do this, sow good and make the world happy.
Pavel Dokuchaev
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