Igor Dryomin:
"4 Exhibitions" in ART4
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The ART4 Museum is becoming a trading platform for any collection art. December 3, meet our new commercial project - “4 Exhibitions”.
This time in partnership with the Gridchinhall Gallery and the Voronezh Gallery Kh. L. A. M. Four separate exhibitions, united by a common visual aesthetic, naive and vibrant.
Gridchinhall Gallery will present Oleg Khvostov’s painting 30 new works from the Cosmos Cows project. Revealing the theme of space, the famous St. Petersburg artist, this time reaches unprecedented heights, finally freeing himself from gravity.
HLAM Gallery (Voronezh) - sculptures by Ivan Gorshkov from the Venevia project (according to legend, this is a game of noble children of the 19th century), which were part of the exposition of the Voronezh State Literary Museum. They will be shown in Moscow for the first time.
The works of the painter Leonid Purygin have always occupied a special place in the collection of the ART4 Museum, and we are very reluctant and happy to put them up for sale. In total, 18 works from several collections will be presented.
Another exhibition on the ART4 site is a joint project of the notorious model and freak Danila Polyakov and photographer Dmitry Zhuravlev “Teatro” about the unsteady line between the theater and absurdity, garbage and luxury. In the photographs, Danil, with his inherent shockingness, transforms into the fictional characters of a provincial theater, in which the scenery and costumes are complex, but naive heap of textures and forms. "
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сколько же больных людей!!! их столько, что они уже считают себя здоровыми, а здоровых больными.
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