How to decorate furniture from plywood?
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Stopped liking the closet? Tired of the table? Does the nightstand seem too familiar and old to you? All these problems can be easily solved. The easiest way is to throw away and buy new furniture. But why do this, if you can update it with your own hands, while saving money and showing your creativity.
Plywood is an affordable and practical material. But before you start work, make sure that the top layer of plywood consists of wood veneer. Enamel, varnish, paint and glue are well placed on such a surface.
What is better not to decorate is veneer from veneer of expensive wood species such as, for example, shoreya or gabun. Firstly, these are very expensive materials. Similar furniture is made except in the USA, Italy and France. Secondly, most likely you don’t want to change anything, since such furniture even looks great without decorations. Also, be careful about plywood that is laminated with colored film. Such a surface does not hold paint well.
Prepare the surface
The first thing to do is degrease the surface and treat it with fine sandpaper. Walking on the subject with sandpaper, you will improve the absorption of the surface, clean its irregularities and get rid of unnecessary varnish or paint.
Then coat the surface with a primer and wait until it dries. A primer is not needed if you leave a surface coated with varnish or paint.
The easiest way to change the appearance of plywood is to paint it. For these purposes, any paint suitable for working with wood is suitable. Also do not forget about the existence of paints in the form of an aerosol. After using the spray can, the surface will look very uniform, which is not always the case with ordinary paint with a brush.
If your choice is based on a brush, then two tools will most likely come in handy: one brush is thin (0.5 - 1.5 cm), the other is wide (4-10 cm). The size of the brush depends on the size of the furniture.
For painting, you will need some experience and accuracy. Plywood material is such that if something does not succeed, you can always paint and repaint. Therefore, you should not worry too much about your artistic abilities.
You can prepare the surface for painting in the same way as described above. Next, apply the main / background color. After it dries, go to the decor. At the very end, we coat your masterpiece with varnish.
We work with stencils
Fortunately, for those in whom there is no special talent for drawing, there are stencils. They can be purchased both in large construction stores and in special decor stores.
You can make a stencil yourself. The thicker the paper, the better. You can also use a thin plastic plate. At the edges where the drawing ends, leave more space. So it will be more convenient to apply paint.
We are looking for a drawing. The easiest option is to print it on a piece of paper, cut it out with scissors and, attached to a cardboard / plastic, cut out the pattern with a clerical knife.
It is better to attach the stencil with construction tape so that the drawing does not move out. We apply paint with a roller, brush or spray can. How long to wait depends on the type of paint. Typically, the stencil can be removed in 5-10 minutes. The finished drawing can be fixed with varnish.
We use decoupage
Decoupage is a more delicate matter than working with a stencil. For this you will need: acrylic paints, PVA or decoupage glue, napkins and acrylic varnish. Instead of acrylic varnish, you can use regular wood varnish or yacht varnish. They are more resistant to moisture.
In general, the surface preparation process has been described above. It should only be noted: for decoupage it is very important that the surface is fat-free. Keep track of this.
Apply acrylic paint to the prepared surface. We are waiting for complete drying, and you can begin to paste the drawings. By drawings we mean cut parts of napkins.
Instead of napkins, they also use ordinary drawings, cut out wallpapers and even fabric. The image can be found on the Internet and printed. It is important that the printer is laser. The printout prints on the inkjet printer.
When the image is glued, gently iron the surface with a glue brush. Enough once. If more, then the napkin can become very wet and deformed or torn. Only after the napkins have completely dried, apply varnish.
As you can see, there are many ways to decorate the surface of plywood. Depending on how much time and desire you have, you can choose both simple painting and delicate decoupage. Do not be afraid to experiment. Previously, of course, it is better to practice a method unfamiliar to you on an object that you do not mind.