Edvard Munch (1863-1944)
1863,1944Edvard Munch was born in Løten Norwegian city, in a military family doctor, 12 December 1863. Weak and sickly from birth, Edward loses his mother at age five she died of tuberculosis in 1868.
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Edvard Munch, biography
Edvard Munch was born in Løten Norwegian city, in a military family doctor, 12 December 1863. Weak and sickly from birth, Edward loses his mother at age five she died of tuberculosis in 1868. The closest person to the boy gets older sister Sophie. But she was dying of tuberculosis at age 15, in 1877. These tragedies in early childhood, leave their imprint on the character, mind and entire body of work by Edvard Munch.
In school, Munch showed considerable ability in chemistry, mathematics and physics. In 1879, his father insisted that Edward, who dreamed of a career as an artist, he entered the Technical College. Munch throws College in the first year and in 1881 entered the Norwegian Royal Academy of Arts and Crafts.
In his student years Munch painted landscapes and the people around them in the style close to impressionism and naturalism, but remains dissatisfied with their first experience. In fact, the mapping is generated on site, expressive manner of Edvard Munch. In 1883, together with fellow students, he takes part in the first exhibition. Success son hated it extremely religious father. The conflict between Munch and his father ends the final rupture of relations.
In 1885, Munch finalizing painting "Sick Girl", and later organized an exhibition in Oslo, which causes an uproar in the press and critics. The fruits of a sick imagination Munch public seem too dark and brutal ...
In Paris, in 1889, visited the exhibition Munch and the School of the Arts, is a bohemian lifestyle, which is bad for his health. And in December, his father died. Munch depressed, suffering hallucinations and suicidal thoughts ...
In 1892, Munch proposed exhibition in Berlin. Paintings cause a scandal and the exhibition closed in a week. Munch ironically that innocent painting, was able to raise such a fuss. Later paintings Munch successfully exhibited in Düsseldorf, Munich, Breslau and Copenhagen.
Spend the summer in Norway has become a tradition for the artist in the rest of the year, he traveled extensively in Europe and has worked: lithographs, engravings, illustrations, watercolors. In 1893 born the first version of "The Scream".
In 1896 at an exhibition in Paris for the first time Munch favored by critics. He is called the founder of expressionism - a new direction in painting. Munch successfully sells a few pictures, but the recognition, money and fame does not bring happiness. Health and psyche of the artist worse, he buys a secluded house in Åsgårdstrand. Until 1906, the house will be a refuge from the people and their own fears of the artist.
In 1899 began a long whirlwind romance with thallium Munk Larsen. Munch was not ready to be a husband and a betrayal of his beloved left him in a brutal depression. By the fall of 1908 paranoia and hallucinations for many months driven by Munch in a psychiatric hospital Dr. Jacobson, but the artist continues to work there.
Fame and recognition came to mature Munch, is famous for a string of triumphant exhibitions in Europe. In 1915 he took part in an international exhibition in San Francisco. Munch travels, and then drained back to Norway to create a new masterpiece full of pain and passion, love or fear ...
Ill, almost blind, Edvard Munch hermit hold the last years of his life at his home in the Norwegian town of Eckel. To understand and organize their paintings, prints and lithographs, and bequeathed them to the city of Oslo, Edvard Munch dies at age 80, January 23, 1944.
"The Scream" from the heart
Edvard Munch. One of the strangest and most inscrutable of authors who are still not understood by many connoisseurs of painting. But with Munch on the contrary, everything seems in order and many of his works evaluated and approved and be bought so far. But something strange happens, one picture forced a popularity all the others. Meaning the painting "The Scream". Celebrities, inconceivably terrible and frightening mysterious canvas on which just blows horror.
On the creation of the paintings Munch himself said: "The truant as that on the pier with friends. Suddenly the sky turned red and I thought that it enveloped in flames. I stopped and considerably behind the buddies. Soon I took possession of horror and I stood in this state a few minutes, but I have enough memory to capture after their state on the canvas. " And indeed visible on the canvas pier, several prominent figures in the side of the people, and in the foreground a man with a distorted face with terror and with his mouth open. And where you can not tell what kind of person, what kind of: whether a woman, or a man, but a cry that pierced the soul. Painting unusual, but there's little red, mostly blue and dirty yellows with black. And like anything in this painting is not, but that's the story of his life after the creation of amazing.
Many scientists have long argued that the paintings created with severe mental disorder artist can harm the energy value of a healthy person, that is a simple visitor. Edvard Munch just did suffer from such disorders and phobias. And in the end his painting itself confirmed this assertion learned. How? You can certainly be attributed to the much coincidence, but the web is not just brings bad luck to those who had more or less close contact directly with the picture. What happened? Unhappiness. Someone died, someone went crazy, someone will cripple for life. This is all of course not benefited from the web. The notoriety never did bring any benefit. No benefit. But the picture has suffered the most because of some mystical coincidence. Well, for example, the museum profession by its slowness dropped sheer cloth. Time passed and, unable to withstand attacks of migraine, he commits suicide. Another officer also dropped the canvas, but luckily survived. True, he is forever confined to a wheelchair since a car accident and was injured, it received a large number of injuries. And it's only two stories related to museum curators, which exhibited painting. But practically the same thing happens to the visitors. Unfortunately, there is no counting how many people have gone mad, staring at the painting, but it is the testimony of one man dared to touch the picture ... just touch, and then he burned alive in their own home. Tell curse? But then it is not clear why Munch gave all his work, and there are over fifteen hundred without warning on canvas titled "Scream". Incidentally, the "Scream" a few, or to be more precise exactly four. They differ little from each other, except that the colors in the four different, but not much distinguishable. So if in a museum and see the painting, do not think immediately that it is a copy ... perhaps this is one of the four versions.
Edvard Munch died at the age of 81 years. But he never got rid of his schizophrenia from their phobias, chief of which was the fear of sex. With women he spoke, but the action itself seemed to him vile and sinful thing, but he was not a religious man. How many mixtures of all! How many were involved in this man !!! But he left us "Scream" and it seems a long time Munch will remind us about yourself by means of his great paintings.
Alexei Vasin
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