Sounding reed
Automatic translate
11 Мая
Новая Третьяковка
Крымский Вал, 10
May 11, Thursday, 19.00
Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val
Ticket admission
Alexey Syumak. Cl.air for clarinet solo
Rodion Shchedrin. Three shepherds for flute, oboe and clarinet
Nicolas Bakri. Sonatina No. 1 for oboe and clarinet
Alexander Wustin. Fairy tale for oboe solo
Olivier Messian. Blackbird for flute and piano
Faraj Karaev. Mr. Bee Line is an eccentric, or are you still alive, Mr. Minister?!!! for flute, bass clarinet and piano.
Soloists of the ensemble STUDIO OF NEW MUSIC
Marina RUBINSTEIN, flute
Anastasia TABANKOVA, oboe
Evgeny BARKHATOV, clarinet
Natalia CHERKASOVA, piano
The concert is led by a candidate of art history
Anna Iglitskaya
- The music of the time. Unknown masterpieces. Forms in the air
- Polyphonic concert
- "Dynasty Jurgenson"
- Exhibition of paintings and graphics "End of the World", 6+
- Exhibition "Blue Soup" XXI "
Information and visual promotional materials is provided by the event organizer.