"Sounding canvases. Renoir, Manet, Monet. Chopin’s romance"
Automatic translate
23 Июля
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Saturday 23 July
The Impressionists accomplished something very important and, at the same time, natural. They taught people to really see what they see. They revealed the beauty of everyday life. Air entered the picturesque space - a wealth of colors and shades, a delightful play of light. Renoir, Manet, Monet - innovators who have become classics. The simple daily plots that they brought to the level of philosophical generalizations are truly massive. Chopin did not write symphonies. He was not very inspired by the sounds of the symphony orchestra. But in every mazurka, in every waltz, there is a universe. Chopin revealed to the world the beauty of the inner world of a caring person. That is why his piano is like a huge orchestra. And at the same time, deliciously fragile. Impressionists and Chopin. They will be together in this concert.
Honored Artist of Russia
Alexander Zagorinsky cello
Laureates of international competitions
Julia Ikonnikova organ
Alexey Kholodov piano
Ivan Smoke saxophone
Hovhannes Surenyan Duduk
Program: F. Chopin
- Igor Dryomin: Dmitry Ikonnikov. Upstream flight. Vernissage in ARTSTORY
- Friends/Strangers 18+
- "Kitchen of the artist or "entrance from the yard"
- "Inner circle". Exhibition of works by Dmitry Ikonnikov
- "Music of Russian Ballet" Swan Lake, The Nutcracker and Sleeping Beauty
- Photo exhibition of Arshak Hovhannisyan. Contrauma promenade