Sounding canvases by Leonardo da Vinci. Bach, Vivaldi, Handel. Library night
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22 Апреля
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
April 22, Friday, 21.00
We are pleased to offer you a unique action in which different types of arts will perform in an inextricable trinity! Vivaldi - Dante - Leonardo. Talking melody, word music, spirituality of painting. And all this is in the sublime aura of the cathedral, to the sounds of an ancient organ.
And let’s try to travel back three hundred years? And imagine yourself immersed in the latest music of that time, surrounded by thick folios and sublimely inspired paintings… Bach, Handel, Vivaldi will sound - the best of what was written then. And… Dante’s poetry is an equally deep philosophical lyrics. The lyrics are unusually musical in sound. But the paintings of Leonardo - try to fantasize. Change the angles, analyze the fragments, play with the lighting. Presented? But now look - how modern the result was! After all, all of the above - for all time.
Tatyana Lanskaya soprano
Imperialis orchestra
Artistic Director and Soloist
Taras Gusarov saxophone
Egor Kolesov organ
Ensemble of soloists "Galliard"
Artistic Director Panchenko Elena
Honored Artist of Russia Lyubov Venzhik Organ
In the program: I.S. Bach, A. Vivaldi, G.F. Handel