"Sounding canvases. Caravaggio. Venetian secrets"
Automatic translate
30 Июля
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Saturday July 30, 21:00
Caravaggio. One of the geniuses of the Baroque era. Eras rich in names. But, even among the best - Caravaggio, of course, in the forefront. An artist who did not use the sketches - he wrote right away, is full. His paintings are full of contrasting light and darkness. Actually, he lived the same way - the height of thoughts and rudeness of extravagant nature coexisted in his nature, like in no other. Embodying all the possible facets of being, he… was music. The one that turns to souls. His message to us is in the pictures. And in the works of Italian composers, which absorbed and refracted into the sounds the divine beauty of the paintings of paradoxical genius. No wonder that Caravaggio so loved portraying playing musicians…
Sergey Poltava Viol Amur, viola
Tatyana Lanskaya soprano
Ivan Ipatov harpsichord, organ
Program: J. Caccini, J. Frescobaldi, A. Vivaldi
- Harpsichord on the Fontanka
- Masterpieces of baroque. 6+
- “The Cellist of Sarajevo” by Steven Galloway
- “Finding Me: A Memoir” by Viola Davis
- The Russian premiere of Bill Viola’s video work "The Deserts" was held at the Pushkin Museum
- Bill Viola. The journey of the soul