"Sounding canvases. Kandinsky. Duduk and organ"
Automatic translate
9 Июля
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Saturday 9 July
The fantastic riot of colors and shapes in the work of Vasily Kandinsky made his contemporaries state the indisputable fact that genius lives next to them. Being one of the founders of abstractionism, he perfectly mastered the classical art technique. But the search for a new language made him decisively break the usual stereotypes. It is all the more interesting to compare Kandinsky’s paintings with the music of Jan Svelink, organist from the 17th century, Mendelssohn and Schumann, classics and innovators of the 19th century, Nikolai Sidelnikov, our contemporary. Indeed, in the paintings of Kandinsky, the past is combined with the future. And the present seems unreal.
Sand animation master Liliya Chistina
Soloist of the Moscow Art Theater Anastasia Sidelnikova organ
Gevorg Vardanyan Armenian duduk
Ivan Ipatov organ
In the program: J. Svelink, F. Mendelssohn, R. Schumann, N. Sidelnikov
- Sleeping beauty 6+
- Project "Sounding canvases. Impressionists" "Concert for three organs and three duduks"
- The annual International Festival "Literary Ark" opened in Yerevan