"Sounding canvases. Impressionists. Concert for three organs"
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2 Июля
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Saturday July 2, 9 p.m.
The images of impressionism are amazing. They are filled with the breath of the wind and the warm rays of the sun. In them is life itself, in its daily naturalness. They are stereo-surround and… unrealistically unsteady. The stereo effect invented by medieval musicians is just as amazing. Three organs that simultaneously sound in different parts of the cathedral are a surprising discovery of ancient acoustics, which are several centuries ahead of time. The space of the hall is imbued with sounds, just as flickering paints fill the canvas of the impressionists - creating the effect of a fantastic musical reality. The amazing brilliance of music, the incredible musicality of the paintings are a rare effect of complementing the various arts that create a new artistic essence.
Laureates of international competitions
Olesya Kravchenko organ
Maria Moiseev organ
Elena Panikova organ
In the program: I.S. Bach, T. Albinoni, M. Narro, G. Piazza, G. Merkel, R. Ferreniac
- A decision was made to allocate funding for the construction of an opera house at the Moscow Conservatory
- A round date is a reason for change. Impeccable acoustics and a new team at the Novosibirsk Philharmonic
- Astor Piazzolla. 6+
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