Sounding canvases. Botticelli. Secrets of Stradivarius and Paganini
Automatic translate
14 Апреля
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
April 14, Thursday, 20. 00
Duration - 80 minutes.
There are names in the history of art whose riddle of genius from year to year, from century to century, continues to excite mankind. Such are Leonardo, Raphael, Botticelli, Mozart, Paganini… Stradivarius. All of them are united by a fantastic sense of beauty, the ability to bring reality to the level of a miracle. It is believed that progress is progressive. But why then, until now, no one has been able to surpass the sound of the great Stradivarius instruments? The omnipotence of modern science turned out to be powerless in front of the inexplicable sensitivity of the strained fingers, before the amazing intuition and secret knowledge of the Master. What is the mystery of his amazing violins? Lacquer? But the chemical composition and ratio of ingredients have long been studied. Thickness Dec? Measured and systematized. Everything is clear and… nothing is clear. Secrets remain unsolved. The miracle is beyond explanation. But you can enjoy it by listening to the violins come to life in the hands of violinists. After all, the creation of the artist is his message of Eternity. And, therefore, to us.
Sandro Botticelli An artist whose name is associated with the concept of beauty and harmony. And with an amazing mystery of talent - as exciting and unsolved as Niccolo Paganini… Antonio Stradivari…
Video installation - Waltrud Schmidt
Laureates of international competitions
Honored Artist of Russia Count Murzha violin
Soloist of the Moscow Virtuosi Orchestra
Honored Artist of Russia Svetlana Stepchenko viola
Nikolay Grigorov organ
Program: N. Paganini, V. Bellini, J. Rossini
- XXXVII International Music Festival "December Evenings of Sviatoslav Richter"
- Seasons. Vivaldi and Mozart