"Sounding Canvases. Bosch - Bach"
Automatic translate
10 Марта
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
March 10 Thursday 20.00
Duration - 80 minutes.
Johann Sebastian Bach, creating his worlds, hardly thought about how great he is. And the point here is not at all in some unprecedented modesty. It’s just… when you create, so many details require supervision. Indeed, to put a picture from a mosaic of notes is an infinitely difficult task. To obey the laws of polyphony to the logic of emotional construction, to conduct a melody in endless voices without losing a drop of its sound, to convey the flickering substance of the soul with really existing tones - where can one think of greatness? You need to work tirelessly and work - in the sweat of your face, just as a peasant grows bread. Music grows only where choking without it, where there is not enough light. Where are they waiting for her. And then - the infinity of horizons opens. And there is a fugue. Or toccata. What is the difference - what exactly? The main thing is that the universe is born! Johann Sebastian Bach Universe. And the degree of greatness and other tinsel… let the descendants determine.
Bosch. The consonance of his name with the name of Bach seems to be no coincidence. The universal scale of the artist is amazing. They will be together at this concert - sounding Bach, Bosch’s reviving canvases…
Laureate of international competitions
Soloist of the Moscow Art Theater Anastasia Sidelnikova organ
Program: I.S. Bach
Venue: Evangelical Lutheran Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul (Starosadsky per., 7, M. "Kitay-Gorod")
For more information and to buy a ticket, go to www.belcantofund.com
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