"Picturesque Russia" in Izhevsk
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Творческий Союз художников России
с 19 Августа
по 11 СентябряВыставочный центр “Галерея”
ул. Карла Маркса, д. 244 а
The first exhibition of the interregional project "Picturesque Russia" starts in Izhevsk.
On August 19, 2022, an exhibition of the Seventh Interregional Project "Picturesque Russia" opens at the Gallery exhibition center in Izhevsk. In 2022, the exhibition project is dedicated to the "art of the young".

The organizer was the Creative Union of Artists of Russia (TSHR) with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Russia. The project was implemented using a grant provided by the NGO "Russian Fund of Culture" within the framework of the federal project "Creative People" of the national project "Culture".
Exhibition “Picturesque Russia. Art of the Young" will be open to visitors in the space of the Museum of the city of Izhevsk until September 11, 2022 and then will go along the route "Kirov-Stavropol-Moscow".
The research project will demonstrate the relevance of Russian easel painting among young people in the context of various innovative trends in contemporary art.
Each of the 7 curators of the project will present a group of young artists who, in their opinion, are the brightest representatives of a particular trend in modern easel painting. In total, the exhibition will feature more than 100 works.
According to Yevgeny Romashko, project manager, the comparison of the works of bright young artists representing various art schools will provide an opportunity to explore current trends in this segment of contemporary art. “As a result of the exhibition project, a holistic image will emerge that reflects the diversity of youth creativity, cultural values and the uniqueness of Russian art,” he notes.
"Picturesque Russia" throughout the history of its existence supports the traditional academic and innovative trends in modern easel painting. Over the years, young artists took part in the project as prominent representatives of different schools, directions and trends. This year’s project is a logical continuation of last year’s “Picturesque Russia. School of the Future”, which was dedicated to the main plastic trends in easel painting on the example of the work of teachers from leading educational institutions of the country.
This year, the organizers dedicated the project to young authors whose work has already developed under the influence of various factors: the historical context of the Russian and Russian painting traditions, regional trends, the characteristics of the school of a particular educational institution, the creativity of teachers and mentors.
The project has been held annually since 2016 and is aimed at popularizing modern Russian easel painting. Since that time, exhibitions within the framework of the project have been held in Pskov, Stavropol, Moscow, Kirov, Smolensk, Saransk, Izhevsk, Novosibirsk, Harbin, Blagoveshchensk, Tyumen, Kazan and Vladimir. More than 300 artists and curators took part in the project.
Head of the curatorial group:
Romashko Evgeniy - People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, full member and member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts, head of the Department of Academic Painting of the Moscow State Art Academy named after. S. G. Stroganova, Advisor to the President of the Russian Academy of Arts, First Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Arts.
Project curators:
Gavrilin Kirill - professor, candidate of art criticism, head. Department of "History of arts and humanitarian disciplines" MGHPA them. S. G. Stroganova, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. Member of the Association of Art Historians, member of the TSHR.
Gavrilyachenko Sergey - People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor, Secretary of the Board of the Union of Artists. Laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize, laureate of the Moscow City Prize in the field of literature and art. Laureate of the International Prize in the field of fine arts. A. A. Plastova.
Machulina Diana - Chairman of the section "Recent trends" TSHR. Lecturer at the HSE School of Design. Laureate of the Kandinsky Prize, finalist of "Innovation".
Nazarov Sergey - Senior Lecturer, Department of Painting, Siberian State Institute of Arts. Dmitri Hvorostovsky.
Rustaeva Nailya is a member of the Association of Art Critics, the Union of Artists of Russia. Senior Lecturer at the Moscow State Art Institute V. I. Surikov.
Sklyarenko Andrey - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts. Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor of the Department of Graphics, Head of the Easel Graphics Workshop of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after Ilya Repin.
Steiner Arseniy - curator, art critic, vice-president of the TSHR for exhibition activities and special projects.
Organizer: Creative Union of Artists of Russia with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Russia.
Project partners: Russian Academy of Arts, MGHPA im. S. G. Stroganova, Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Visual Arts "Vizart", Museum of the City of Izhevsk, Vyatka Art Museum named after V. M. and A. M. Vasnetsov, Stavropol Regional Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow Union of Artists.
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