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с 2 по 25 Сентября
Калужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 104
In the exhibition hall of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts on September 2 at 11 o’clock will open the personal exhibition of the famous Moscow artist Natella Toidze. In the past few years, her retrospective exhibitions have been successfully held at the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, Paris, Vologda, Saransk, Nizhny Novgorod.
Natella Georgievna Toidze has a recognizable author’s style and high pictorial culture embedded in the family, for several generations associated with art. The artist’s grandfather belonged to this artistic dynasty, Mose Toidze was a painter, student of I.E. Repin, father, George Toidze, a famous sculptor and graphic artist, and uncle, poster artist Irakli Toidze, author of the famous poster “Mother Mother Calls!”. Among the first women professional painters in Russia was the artist’s grandmother, Alexander Sutin, who graduated from the Orthodox icon painting class of the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.
N.Toidze was born and raised in Moscow, where she graduated from the faculty of theatrical and decorative art of the Moscow Academic Art School “In Memory of 1905”. In her professional development, the traditions of the Moscow school of painting became fundamental. Having chosen easel painting, Toidze for many years successfully works in its various genres: landscape, still life, portrait, writes allegorical compositions.
Since 1973, Natella Toidze began to regularly participate in Moscow, All-Union and All-Russian exhibitions. In 1984 she joined the Union of Artists of the USSR. In 2004, after a personal exhibition at the Russian Academy of Arts, she was awarded the PAX Gold Medal. Since 2007, Natella Toidze is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts; since 2011, she is a full member of the Russian Academy of Arts. She participated in exhibitions at the State Museum in Beijing, at the Lincoln Center in New York, in Lisbon and others. The works of Natella Toidze are stored in the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum and other museum and private collections in Russia, as well as in private collections in France, Switzerland, Portugal, Germany, Finland, USA.
The exposition of the Kaluga exhibition presents more than 20 works by Natella Toidze from the collection of the author, the Russian Academy of Arts and private collections. Both early and recently created works of Toidze are exhibited at the exhibition: landscapes painted in a pasty manner, close to the “Jack of Diamonds”, sophisticated composition and color, exquisite still lifes, restrained by the color scheme of landscapes of central Russia (Moscow Courtyard, “ Northern mallow ”), emphasized decorative metaphorical compositions (diptych“ Flora and Fauna ”).
The creative method of the artist - work without fail from nature. In the last decade, N. Toidze more often chooses a large canvas format and at any time of the year writes them not in the studio, but exclusively in the open air. In such paintings, the author’s ability to emphasize the poetry of everyday life, to summarize it pictorially and show the world from an unusual point of view, transforming it into a pattern that is complex in coloristic design (Before Snow, Wild Grapes) is particularly striking.
The exhibition will run until September 25, 2015.
The museum is open from 10.00 to 18.00
Monday is the day off. The last Friday of the month is a sanitary day.
Address: Kaluga, st. Lenin, 104. Contact phone - 8 (4842) 56 28 30
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