"Here, by the sea." Exhibition of Sergey Sviridov
Automatic translate
с 17 по 31 Мая
Alpert Gallery
Красноказарменная ул., д. 3
The wave rolls naked, rustling fine pebbles, the horizon is blurred by an unclear lilac line, mixing celestial azure and sea ultramarine. You lick your salty lips, swallow the air - strong, infused with seaweed and something else, inexplicably heady - and finally stop squinting. You close your eyes and expose your face under the direct rays of the sun to see, like in childhood, a magic trick: a black solar disk floats in an orange cosmic plasma…
Alpert Gallery presents Sergey Sviridov’s exhibition “Here, by the Sea”. Seascape is a genre to which an artist born in Crimea is faithful all his life. Thorny pines, huge boulders, fantastically transparent depths of water and the same bottomless sky… Everything that nature so generously shows to every person who gets to the sea, the author conveys on canvas, bringing his personal delight to the eternal mystery of the universe. Crimean, Norman, Venetian marinas are penetrated by powerful light streams. Highlighting the depth and variety of shades of nature, its energy and beauty, the artist draws the viewer into the cycle of memories, makes him plunge into a delightful state of a person who is "here, by the sea."
The exhibition features more than 30 works created by the artist in different years. In addition to the sea landscape, the exhibition will also feature still lifes, as well as author’s landscape and portrait graphics.
You can get acquainted with Sergey Sviridov at the opening day, which will be held on May 17, 2017 at 18-30.
Sergey Sviridov was born in 1964 in Simferopol. He graduated from art school. Since 1984, lives in Moscow. For 9 years he studied in the studio of the artist Afanasy Sukhinin. In the 2000s, he was a resident of a number of art galleries in France and Italy. Member of numerous exhibitions in Moscow and Simferopol. The artist’s works are in corporate and private collections in Russia, France, Italy, Belgium, Great Britain and other countries. Lives and works in Moscow.
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