"The closed garden. Alexander Pesterev"
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с 10 по 28 Апреля
Галерея ЗНУИ
ул. Покровка, д. 1/13/6с2
The last 15-20 years, I am interested in the sign and symbol in ancient cultures. In literature (fairy tales) the unity of images was traced by V. Ya.
Propp (probably not alone). And curiously, very different peoples can observe the same visual images. This refers to abstract signs: a circle, a wave, a dot, etc. This is about essential things that were expressed and continue to be expressed in the same graphic symbols. I had a desire to show my own set of signs or spaces-signs. Since these are deep, personal moments, you do not fully understand how to achieve this, but you intuitively know where the truth is and where the untruth is.
The main compositional idea is connected with that part of classical oriental music and modern musical minimalism, where there are large distances between sounds, and this space is filled with the energy of vibrations. I wanted to translate the same thing on the surface of the canvas / sheet. The distances between abstract forms are large, the tension on the plane is achieved by contrast, the play of textures.
There is something in common between a gardener and an artist. The spaces created by the gardener and the artist are their inner worlds. Both strive to create the image of an ideal, perfect environment. "
Alexander Pesterev
Alexander’s work is characterized by minimalism in the use of means of expression. Rethinking the artistic experience of the past, he seeks to actualize it in the newest environment, appealing to the primary elements of pictoriality (spot and line).
Born in 1958. In the forest village "18 quarter" Gryazovetsky district of the Vologda region.
From 1985 to 1989 he studied at the Ivanovo Regional Art College.
Member of the Union of Artists since 1997.
One of the founders of the Petrovsky Children’s Art School in the city of Totma, Vologda Oblast.
Since 1990, exhibited as a professional artist and participates in regional, regional, Russian and international exhibitions.
Lives and works in the village of Ferapontovo, Kirillovsky district, Vologda region.
The exhibition will take place in the hall of the ZNUI Gallery, at the address: Moscow, st. Pokrovka, 1/13 / 6s2 (entrance to the arch from the Armenian Lane) from Tuesday to Saturday from 13:00 to 20:00
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