Yuri Yakovenko "Engraved myths:
fruits, animals, kings ..." in the gallery "Belyaevo"
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January 20 at 19.00 in the gallery "Belyaevo" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" will open the exhibition. The exposition includes about 200 works by the Belarusian engraving artist Yuri Yakovenko. Created over the past 12 years, they clearly demonstrate the process of formation and development of the exquisite visual language of an outstanding artist and immerse viewers in the sophisticated world of his surrealistic plots.
Within a single exposition space, both individual etchings and large-scale series of engravings are presented. The personal experiences of the master are expressed in compositions based on symbols of different cultures. Themes of the series of engravings: “Muses”, “Signs”, “Tarot”, “Runes”, “Condatieres”, “Antique”, “Zodiac”, “Symbols”, “Sins”. The series "Myths", inspired by the exploits of ancient heroes, is on display for the first time.
At the exhibition, you can see several works of a special kind created by Yakovenko, thanks to many years of cooperation with the famous Italian master-printer Giuliano Yakommuchi. These are 6 unique etchings illustrating the poems of the Greek poet Christos Yannakis “EVangilie”, 10 etchings of the Alfabeto project and, finally, handmade by ancient printing technology, the author’s books “Song of Tsar Solomon’s Songs” and “Song of the Bison” by N. Gusovsky. An interesting fact: copies of the Song of the Bison with 13 engravings by Y. Yakovenko and with his author’s signature were presented at one time to Pope Benedict XVI and Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain as gifts from the Republic of Belarus.
The name of Yuri Yakovenko is well known in Western Europe. Personal exhibitions of the artist were held in Spain, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Sweden and Cyprus. The artist’s works are kept in the collections of the Vatican Library, galleries in New York, Toronto, Stockholm, museum collections in Russia and Belarus, as well as in private collections of Queen Elizabeth II, the Spanish and Swedish royal houses.
Yuri Yakovenko is a member of the Belarusian Union of Artists, an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts, a member of the International Club "Graphic House" (Sweden). In 2010, he was awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the City of Grodno”. The master has more than 25 international and domestic awards for participating in the print and book graphic biennale. Among the latest achievements of Yuri Yakovenko is the Grand Prix of the II International Graphic Biennale of JOSEP de RIBERA in Javit (Spain). The most valuable award for the artist (by his own admission) is Rembrandt’s self-portrait, printed from the board of the great Dutchman.
In the opening program:
19.00 Opening with the participation of the artist Yuri Yakovenko.
19.30 Concert of the famous ensemble of Renaissance and baroque wind instruments Alta Capella
The exhibition will be held from January 20 to February 8, 2015.
Gallery address: Moscow, st. Trade Union, 100
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