Anniversary evening. Honored Artist of Russia Anatoly Dichkovsky Automatic translate
11 Мая
Дом Кочневой
Набережная реки Фонтанки, 41
May 11th
Honored Artist of Russia Anatoly Dichkovsky
The famous St. Petersburg vocalist and teacher, performer of the leading parts in musical performances of the Petersburg Concert invites to his anniversary evening.
Anatoly Dichkovsky in 1980 graduated from the N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Leningrad State Conservatory in the class of Professor Sergei Ryazantsev. From 1980 to 1997 he worked at the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of the BSSR. Since 1997, the lead singer of the Lenkontsert (now Petersburg Concert).
Currently, the artist is engaged in performances: “Camellias for La Traviata” (Georges Germont), “Lady Peak” (Tomsky), “Richard the Lionheart” (Williams). In his pedagogical work, Dichkovsky remains faithful to the traditions of the Russian vocal school, as evidenced by the success of his best students.
The concert will be attended by students of the Music College. Rimsky-Korsakova, as well as artists of the Petersburg Concert: laureate of the international competition Irina Mkrticheva (soprano), Anatoly Lomunov (tenor), laureate of international competitions Oleg Vainshtein (piano), etc.
The concert is conducted by Anna Fomicheva.
Before the concert, everyone can walk through the enfilade of the front halls of the House of Kochneva and listen to an excursion about the history of the mansion.
Excursion to the Kochneva House at 18 o’clock
Beginning at 19 hours
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