Willy Melnikov’s jubilee solo exhibition "Definitions and Sensitives"
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The exhibition takes place in the gallery "On Kashirka" from August 1 to 19, 2012, photo painting, unidentified poetry objects, graphics. Vernissage will be held on August 1 at 19.00. Free admission.
The original title of the legendary Marlen Khutsiev film “Ilyich’s Outpost” (by the way, which was released in 1962 - the year of my birth): “I am twenty years old”. Similarly, in my exhibition, I could give a sub-title: "I am fifty years old." Although I also have my second birthday, which happened in 1985, when I had a miracle to survive the Afghan war. However, over the years I am becoming more and more convinced of how illusive it is: to measure a person’s age by the amount of calendar time he has lived!
I invaded a niche of art unexpectedly for myself and through the fault of far from iridescent personal circumstances - in search of self-healing from their consequences. And when it turned out that the fruits of this search - the author’s styles and genres (mufto and intro-xeno-lingua, photostichoglyphs, linguotherapy, and others) – – help not only me, but also many others, I became convinced: there is reason to be glad and continue further research.
Brought up by the natural and exact sciences (biology, mathematics, astrophysics, linguistics, music theory, the comparative history of mythologies), I can not boast of an official art special education: it gradually absorbed itself in my mental exchange of broadcasts. From the interweaving of various fields of science and art, my author’s fractal art space was formed, which I used to call “The Symbiosis of Contrasts”. It homogenizes my life, saving me from psychological color blindness and serving as an antidote to stereotypes and narcissism. I present some examples of such symbioses at this exhibition. It’s hard for me to imagine the best gift for my half-century anniversary…
Willy Melnikov
st. Akademika Millionshchikova, d.35, building 5
tel. 8-499-612-95-17, 8-499-612-11-61
e-mail: nakashirke@mail.ru
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