Anniversary of Vivaldi
Automatic translate
30 Сентября
Екатеринбургский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Воеводина, д.5
September 30 at 18:00 in the Museum of Fine Arts chamber orchestra "B-A-S-N" and the choir "Domestic" named after V.A. Kopaneva will present a program dedicated to the 340th anniversary of Antonio Vivaldi.

The Italian composer, virtuoso violinist, Vivaldi was widely recognized throughout Europe, but after the composer’s death, his musical heritage was forgotten for almost 200 years. The surge in interest in the work of Vivaldi occurred only in the middle of the twentieth century. Numerous operas, instrumental opuses, orchestral works and… very little church music. Vivaldi was a priest, but those few spiritual works written by him are close to various forms of secular, primarily opera music. Vivaldi’s sacred music is permeated with deep emotionality, striking with its melodic richness and generosity of orchestral colors.
At the opening of the KAMER-Fest festival, we have to plunge into the luxurious Baroque era. The B-A-S-N Chamber Orchestra will present works by composers of the Baroque era - Vivaldi, Albinoni, Telemann. In the second part of the concert performed by the choir "Domestic" to them. V.A. Kopanev and the “B-A-S-N” chamber orchestra will sound the most popular Vivaldi’s spiritual works “Gloria” and “Magnificat”. Conductor Maxim Kozlov.
Date and time: September 30, 18:00
Venue: Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts (5 Voevodina St.)
Duration of the concert: 90 minutes
Ticket price: 500 rubles
Cashier: (343) 201-99-39, +7 (908) 905-99-39
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