Art exhibition "Such a different Great War"
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с 14 по 30 Сентября
Московский Дом Национальностей
ул. Новая Басманная, 4, стр. 1
The year 2020 is the year of memory and glory. Exactly 75 years ago, salutes of the Victory salute thundered, and the world realized that a hard, long, bloody war was over. Many years have passed, but the theme of war, heroism, unity, victory and memory does not lose its sharpness. There is not a single family in whose fate the Great Patriotic War did not leave its mark. Our world and our lives have changed, but the theme of war still affects each of us, and each new generation tries again and again to understand the events of 1941-1945.

Remembering the war, we remember the front-line soldiers and home front workers, those who resisted the onslaught of the fascist invaders and defended freedom, those who survived and won. We grieve and bow our heads to those who fell for the independence of our Motherland, and no matter how many years pass, we will always remember "at what price happiness was won."
The exhibition of the "Painting" section of the TLC of Russia "Such a different Great War" is a large-scale collective project that has a special patriotic significance. Contemporary artists in their works speak in the language of fine art about courage, honor, valor, philanthropy, patience, faith and love for the Motherland. In most cases, artists tell their real family story about the war that formed the basis of the work.
War is not only sweat and blood, howl of sirens, explosions of shells, pain and death.
True front-line friendship, sincere love, loyalty are also war.
Waiting for mothers who accompanied their sons to the front, and for children who matured early, is also a war. Awareness of the beauty of our Earth, which needs to be saved from enemies, the joy and triumph of Victory, memories and reflections - all this is also about the war. The exhibition project, which united the past and the present, was named “Such a different Great War”.
The exhibition opens at the Moscow House of Nationalities, which is symbolic in its own way. During the Great Patriotic War, as brothers and sisters, people of various nationalities fought shoulder to shoulder at the fronts, worked in the rear, and built defensive lines on the outskirts of Moscow. Everyone was united, and this helped us win.
Among the participants of the exhibition project are masters, recognized masters, artists of the middle generation, and, of course, young authors. The project turned out to be interesting and emotional. The works of art presented in the exhibition will not leave anyone indifferent.
Project manager: Dubov Andrey Igorevich
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Chairman of the "Painting" section of the TSHR
Curator of the exhibition: Fruleva Tatyana Viktorovna
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