"Haris Yakupov. Man-era"
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с 21 Ноября
по 31 ЯнваряНациональная художественная галерея “Хазинэ”
Кремль, проезд Шейнкмана, 12, 3-й подъезд
November 21, 2019 at 16.00 in the National Art Gallery of the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan, the Kremlin, the Khazine Museum Complex, 3rd entrance) will open the exhibition dedicated to the 100th birthday of Haris Yakupov (1919-2010)
Haris Abdrakhmanovich Yakupov was born on December 23, 1919 in Kazan. He graduated from the Kazan Art College (1940). In 1946, he studied at the Moscow Central Studio "The Artist" with B.V. Johanson. In 1940, he was called up for service in the Red Army. Member of World War II. The front-line roads of Haris Yakupov passed through Stalingrad, the Kursk Bulge, Lviv, Poland, Germany, Czechoslovakia.
The works of Kh. A. Yakupov reflect the history of the Soviet people, the history of our country, starting from those years when the first revolutionary speeches flashed in Russia (Prologue, 1887. Kazan Students). His work is deeply organic and natural. There is nothing accidental in him, and, therefore, far-fetched.
The war, which became a test for everyone, revealed in every person the abilities of his soul, which are the main in his character. For Kharis Yakupov, a witness to the heroism of thousands of officers and soldiers, a participant in this war, it was important to show the greatness of the spirit of a person who did not flinch before the trials (“Before the Sentence”, “Flight to Freedom”). The spiritualized, humane and courageous image of Jalil is still one of the most memorable images of the hero poet created in Soviet fine art.
Creating civilian paintings about the heroes of war, peaceful days, Kharis Yakupov first of all reveals in his characters their moral essence, spiritual beauty, harmony, his agreement with the world or their struggle, thoughts. And his heroes are not contemplators, not observers, but the most active and direct participants in life (“Shepherds”, “Portrait of a piglet M. Galiullina”, “Gold of Tataria”, “Chelninsky beauties”). In the works of Kh. A. Yakupov, one main image, one main plot, looms as it were: a man and his work, his place on earth - and he writes this main plot all his life.
The national origins of the work of Kharis Yakupov are in the colorful and decorative brightness of the color of paintings dedicated to the people of the Tatar village, in those types that he depicts. The artist, as if from within, captures the essence of the national, the national. The painting of his paintings is always recognizable, because he uses such combinations of colors, such strokes, which are inherent in him.

A diverse, complex life was always reflected in the artist’s work, peculiarly refracting, and with his paintings Haris Yakupov in his own way affirmed the truth, beauty, work and victory of the human spirit.
Haris Abdrakhmanovich Yakupov was awarded the orders of Lenin, World War 2 degree, Red Star, Friendship of Peoples, "Badge of Honor", "For Merit to the Fatherland" 4th degree, "For Merit to the Republic of Tatarstan", medals. Laureate of State Prizes, Honored Artist of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the RSFSR, People’s Artist of the RSFSR and the USSR, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Winner of the PAX Gold Medal.
At the opening exhibition at the National Art Gallery of the Pushkin Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan, the exhibition presents works from the collection of the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan and private collections.
The exhibition of the works of Haris Abdrakhmanovich Yakupov is continued by the exhibition “Workshop of the artist Haris Yakupov”, which presents the works of Shamil Shaydullin, Firinat Khalikov, Farid Yakupov, Zufar Gimaev and other artists who studied at the academic workshop of the Russian Academy of Arts in Kazan (since 1977).
D.K. Valeeva, Ph.D.
- "Musical Thursday in the White Fireplace"
- "Night at the Museum." NATIONAL ART GALLERY "HAZINE"