"World music. Duduk, bagpipe and organ"
Automatic translate
19 Марта
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
March 19 Saturday 18.00
The best classical music is necessarily folk, in essence. It is all the more interesting to return to the beginning of the journey, listening to the brightest folklore patterns. Those from which, in fact, the modern musical culture has grown. And if we add the noble voice of the organ and the unique acoustics of the cathedral, we get something absolutely fantastic. However, the concert’s surprises do not end there! We are accustomed to the classical quartets - string, wind, mixed… But the quartets of dudukists and pipers are a completely unexpected perspective of the traditional philharmonic composition. We are surprised at the novelty of the sound of a long-familiar sound, we see the features of our beloved classics - in the original sources.
Video installation Martin Byrne
Scottish Piper Orchestra City Pipes
Duduk quartet “Komitas”
Laureates of international competitions
Ivan Ipatov organ
Vladimir Preobrazhensky organ
In the program: traditional music of Scotland, Ireland, Armenia
For more information and to buy a ticket, go to www.belcantofund.com
- Exhibition: "Unknown". First Language Stories
- "Duduk and Organ. Gothic Suite"
- "Duduk and Organ: Popular Classics"
- Средневековые чумные церкви
- Колин Дэвидсон, ирландский художник
- Джозеф Патрик Хэверти, ирландский портретист, иллюстратор