Exhibition project "Science-art-2015. Festival-Laboratory (crossing borders)"
Automatic translate
с 21 Ноября
по 13 ДекабряГалерея “На Каширке”
ул. Ак.Миллионщикова, д.35, корп.5
November 21 at 16. 00 in the gallery "On Kashirka" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" starts an international exhibition project dedicated to one of the most relevant trends in contemporary art science art. A joint experiment, the purpose of which is to create art that is consistent with modern science, and the motto is “curiosity and discovery,” is conducted at Kashirka for the second time.
The project is ambitious, vibrant, rich and, at the same time, functional. Seventy participants in the creative process explore the boundaries of technological innovation. Among the areas of scientific knowledge that are attractive to artists are mathematics, cosmology, psychology, biology, etc. Using the tools of theoretical physics and mathematics, artists create interdisciplinary objects and installations, invested in the perspective of time and its phases in the forms of rhythm, light and sound.
The exposition is structured for eight virtual laboratories corresponding to the thematic areas of the project. In addition to basic research in the field of graphics and geometry, poetry, topology, etc., the results of experiments will be presented in the field of fashion design, electronics, and interactive sensor technologies. The project structure, along with the author’s expositions, will also include information and game zones, a lecture hall and an art cafe.
At the exhibition, you can see projects - works, mobiles, sculpture, video installations, objects, video mapping, sound performances, bio-art, as well as consider painting, graphics, photographs, play intellectual games.
The opening program on November 21 at 16-00 shows, electronic music, mono-performance, sound performance, poets and fashion shows.
The participants are artists, scientists, poets, musicians, multi-instrumentalists, sound artists: Peter Aidu, Mikhail Alshibaya, Dmitry Veise, Alexander Dzhikia, Sergey Zagny, Ivan Isaev (Vano), Stanislav Ischenko, Sergey Katran, Vyacheslav Koleichuk, Anna Koleichuk, Svetlana Kalistratova, Konstantin Kalistratova, Konstantin Kalistratova Kedrov, Dmitry Kozlov, Sergey Kuvshinov, Kira Matissen, Willy Melnikov, Ales Mishchenko, Dmitry Morozov, Alexander Pankin, Yuri Poduraev, Timofei Reshetov, Olesya Rostovskaya, Boris Stuchebryukov, Daina Tayminya and others.
Curators Nikolay Naumov, Lyudmila Chekalina
The exhibition is open until December 13, 2015.
Partners: Non-profit partnership to promote the development of science, culture and society "Mathematics and Art", MINORT RSUH, TSTPO, IPM RAS, MAMI (University of Mechanical Engineering).
The project, which is an artistic study and, at the same time, an intellectual exchange of ideas, certainly has a cultural and educational character, therefore its exposition will be accompanied by a rich educational program.
Lectures on the interaction of cultures will be delivered by leading scientists - mathematicians, biologists, linguists, psychologists, specialists in virtual programming, media technologies. Master classes will be held by artists who, experimenting, create a new reality.
Gallery "On Kashirka" - the largest in the Southern District of Moscow. It was opened in 1986.
Works with artists from various creative fields. The range of exposition activities: from traditional genres to contemporary art exhibitions (art projects with video and media installations, thematic performances).
The gallery is actively engaged in educational work. It organizes interactive art events, lectures and workshops, music festivals, concerts, film screenings, creative meetings, presentations of books and magazines. The gallery has a studio of fine and applied art for children and adults.
Address: Moscow, st. Ak. Millionshchikova, d. 35, bldg. 5, Art. metro Kashirskaya
Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday 11. 00-20. 00, day off: monday
Ticket: 100 rubles, preferential - 50 rubles.
Free admission day: third Sunday of every month
For information: 8 (499) 612 11 61
Website: www.nakashirke.narod.ru
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