Exhibition project "Inhabitants of the Stone Jungle" in the gallery "On the Shabolovka"
Automatic translate
с 29 Апреля
по 24 МаяГалерея “На Шаболовке”
Серпуховский Вал, 24, корпус 2
On April 29 at 6:00 p.m. in the gallery on the Shabolovka, a mobile exhibition "Inhabitants of the Stone Jungle" will open. This is a joint project of the Darwin Museum and the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association - the winner of the Museum Project Contest of state institutions subordinate to the Moscow City Department of Culture in the nomination Museum in Motion. Operator of the Competition GBUK Moscow "Moscow Center for Museum Development." Previously, the exhibition was held in the Nagornaya gallery, from April 29 to May 24 it will be presented in the Na Shabolovka gallery, then it will go to the Na Kashirka and Belyaevo gallery.
The opening of the exhibition in the gallery on the Shabolovka will be a real celebration for children and their parents. Guests will be offered a tour of the exhibition, an art master class, the participants of which will learn different techniques and techniques for drawing animals. The works of the workshop participants will immediately become exhibits. The main event of the opening is a game performance from the LAB theater digest. Actors will invite guests to participate in impromptu theatrical sketches that talk about the relationship of animals and people in the city.
A traveling exhibition moving in space and time will become the starting point for a dialogue about our smaller brothers and the problems associated with their living in cities next to a person. Are animals comfortable in the city? Is their conflict-free coexistence with humans possible? How do pets turn out on the streets? Are stray animals a city problem or is this the norm of modern life? What can we do for them? Are animals a blessing that brings rich emotions and love or danger lurking in wild instincts into people’s lives? The unusual format of the exhibition will enable residents of the metropolis to find answers to these and other questions. The rich material from the funds of the Darwin Museum (natural science material and works of art) and author’s photographs will tell the story of the coexistence of living organisms in the "stone jungle".
The inhabitants of the stone jungle are not only cats, dogs, rats, insects, but also forest residents whose habitats are destroyed by humans for the construction of their own houses. More and more often, animals from exotic countries appear in Muscovites’ apartments, which after a while appear on the street. The library area provided in the exhibition space will help visitors learn how to care for future pets. Visitors who have already decided on the choice of a pet will be able to transfer unnecessary animal care books to the library.
Russia occupies one of the leading places in terms of the number of domestic animals — our smaller brothers live in every third family. At the same time, there are sad statistics: Russia occupies one of the first places in the number of stray animals. Only 13 Moscow shelters contain more than 16, 3 thousand dogs and 1, 1 thousand cats. Although the situation has improved significantly since 2007 (the number of stray and stray dogs has decreased by almost 15 times), thousands of such animals still live on the streets. The army of stray animals is replenished with lost pets, “live gifts”, victims of human carelessness and numerous “unnecessary” offspring that turned out to be unnecessary.
As part of the educational program prepared for the exhibition, lectures, master classes, meetings with interesting people and exotic animals will be held. From April 29 to May 22, any child will be able to participate in the competition of children’s drawings on the theme of the exhibition. Works for the contest can be brought from home or drawn in a gallery in a special interactive zone. The award ceremony for the authors of the best works will take place on the last day of the exhibition.
The State Darwin Museum is Europe’s largest natural science museum. Founded in 1907, the Darwin Museum at that time was the first and only museum of evolution. Today, the museum’s expositions, deployed on 5000 square meters. meters, they talk about the history of the theory of evolution, the diversity of life on Earth, about variability and heredity, about natural selection and the struggle for existence in nature.
The museum has over 355,000 items. A unique part of the funds is: a collection of aberrative forms, a collection of stuffed extinct birds, a collection of albinos and melanists, a collection of teeth of extinct sharks, collections of rare books and works of animal art.
Currently, the Darwin Museum is one of the most technically equipped museums: Internet screens are installed in the halls, numerous training programs located in touchscreens, electronic kiosks and interactive tables provide an opportunity not only to expand one’s own knowledge of nature, but also to find answers to questions interesting visitors. The system of “Educational guide-guides” (first developed at the Darwin Museum) allows visitors of any age to independently study any section of the exhibition. The museum employs: live-video-music exposition “Living Planet”, multimedia exposition “River of Time”, multimedia center “Eco-Moscow”, interactive exposition “PASS BY EVOLUTION”, which has no analogues in the world. In September 2014, the “Know Yourself - Know the World” Center was opened. It represents a single interactive cognitive environment that allows visitors to know themselves, the world around them and realize their responsibility for the future of Nature.
Gallery "On Shabolovka" (previously the Zamoskvorechye exhibition hall) was created in the Danilovsky district of Moscow more than 20 years ago as an exhibition hall on the basis of the Moskvorechye creative association in the center of the Khavsko-Shabolovskiy housing estate. Initially, this area was conceived as a hymn to the new post-revolutionary Moscow, many avant-garde monuments have been preserved here today. Since 1991, the gallery has organized and held more than 600 art exhibitions in Moscow, in other cities of Russia and abroad. In 2013, the gallery became part of the Moscow Exhibition Halls Association. The emphasis of the new exhibition program was projects dedicated to the avant-garde, as well as historical and local history projects related to the comprehension of the cultural heritage of the Danilovsky district and its popularization.
Dates of the exhibition: April 29 - May 24
Address: metro Shabolovskaya / metro Tulskaya, 24 Serpukhov Val, building 2
Gallery hours: Tuesday - Sunday, 11:00 - 20:00
Age restrictions: 0+
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