Exhibition project "Between the Volga and the Danube / Against the Current" - "Russia - Europe. Art / Contact"
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с 11 Мая
по 10 ИюняПоволжское отделение Российской академии художеств
Лаврушинский пер., д. 15
MOSCOW. The Creative Union of Russian Artists with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation presents: the special project "Russia - Europe.Art / Contact" as part of the exhibition project "Between the Volga and the Danube / Against the Current"
On May 11, 2015 at 18:00 in the exhibition hall of the coordination center of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts “Lavrushinsky 15”, the grand opening of the exhibition will take place as part of the special project “Russia-Europe. Art / Contact. "
The exhibition is attended by 15 Russian and 10 European artists. 50 works will be presented, demonstrating various areas of pictorial and graphic arts, combining the traditions of national art schools and the latest art and technological achievements of our time in their work.
The international exhibition "Russia-Europe Art / Contact" aims at creating a unified cultural space, creating great opportunities for realizing the creative potential of professional artists of Russia and Europe.
Address of the exhibition hall: Moscow, Lavrushinsky per., 15.
The exhibition runs from May 11 to June 10, 2015
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