Exhibition project "Angel for Christmas"
Automatic translate
с 19 Декабря
по 17 ЯнваряГалерея “На Каширке”
ул. Ак.Миллионщикова, д.35, корп.5
The joint project of the gallery "On Kashirka" and the Association of Decorative Artists of the Ministry of Agriculture covers the figurative and plastic forms of decorative arts, including spatial objects, compositions from installations, textile collages, fashion design, theater performance.
The multifaceted mosaic texture of the project consists of combinations of different directions and styles from the sophisticated aesthetics of the Silver Age, classic and modern to avant-garde and naive art. The project is based on the individual mythology of artists, which allows to interpret the classical forms and genres of decorative arts in accordance with their own inner world. In the works of artists, authenticity and traditionality, manual execution, the use of sophisticated techniques, the combination of art craft with modern materials are priority.
"The New Year is a hunch, and on the eve of the New Year holidays, when the truths that have gone away are revived and read as scripts, gaining new, unpredictable meanings, the need for sensations and objects that have a certain aura becomes especially acute." Lyudmila Chekalina, curator of the project.
According to the scenario of the exposure solution, the central symbolic image, an angel, leads the viewer through four circles. In the First Circle (“Initiation”), artists use their images and symbols to visualize their childhood memories. The second circle (“Spiritual Search”) leads further from everyday impressions to experiences associated with the image of the innermost (flight, wings), given to us in sensations and not decipable. The third circle (“Confession”) represents artists’ thoughts on art, the embodiment of such concepts as “light” and “sky”. In the Fourth Circle ("Illusions"), an environment of supersensible, irrational is created, the visual revelations of artists are transformed into figurative, rich in poetic lyricism works of "high" decorative art.
The cultural program of the exhibition includes fashion shows, master classes, creative meetings.
Curators: Larisa Rubtsova, Lyudmila Chekalina.
Participants: Larisa Rubtsova, Olga Pobedova, Vera Zanegina, Tatyana Rubleva, Andrey Avdeev, Irina Baryagina, Julia Merzlikina, Natalia Lavrentieva, Serafima Tsyrulnik, Olga Zuevskaya, Marina Vasina, Svetlana Osenkova, Svetlana Zadvornaya, Sania Yurchenko, Ekaterina Nurerchenko Anna Golubeva, Lyubov Platonova, Marina Necheporuk, Anna Necheporuk, Victor Pashchenko, Marina Kruchinina, Sergey Davydov, Larisa Naumkina, Natalya Muradova, Elena Potapova, Alexandra Rubtsova, Taisiya Fokina, Anna Butina, Oksana Gorbunova and others.
The exhibition is open until January 17, 2016.
Gallery "On Kashirka" - the largest in the Southern District of Moscow. It was opened in 1986.
Works with artists from various creative fields. The range of exposition activities: from traditional genres to contemporary art exhibitions (art projects with video and media installations, thematic performances).
The gallery is actively engaged in educational work. It organizes interactive art events, lectures and workshops, music festivals, concerts, film screenings, creative meetings, presentations of books and magazines. The gallery has a studio of fine and applied art for children and adults.
Address: Moscow, st. Ak. Millionshchikova, d. 35, bldg. 5, Art. metro Kashirskaya
Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday 11. 00-20. 00, day off: monday
Ticket: 100 rubles, preferential - 50 rubles.
Free admission day: third Sunday of every month
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