Exhibition "Other Worlds"
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с 7 по 15 Апреля
Alpert Gallery
Красноказарменная ул., д. 3

Participants: Anna Albova, Vladimir Vakhrameev, Alexandra Vlasova, Mikhail Nemtsov, Igor Dodonov, Mikhail Ermolov, Julia Kartoshkina, Andrei Kulagin, Julia Pokhaletskaya, Ekaterina Teplitskaya, Ksenia Fominykh, Ilya Khryashchev, Dmitry Merkulov.
Painting, graphics, ceramics, sculpture.
April 7 - 15.
“Mankind cannot be satisfied with the narrow limits of the Earth”
Nikolai Fedorov
“The earth is the cradle of the mind, but you cannot live forever in the cradle”
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
An artist is, first of all, an astronaut. It differs from an ordinary person in that it can tear itself away from the Earth, overcome space-time and set off to travel across parallel universes. The artist is able in his mind to rewrite the laws of nature, create his own worlds and dimensions, change the course of time and history. And precisely in this is his personality. Every creative act, from concept to completed execution, is like a flight of Yuri Gagarin - the first "comprehensive" person.
The exhibition brought together artists working in different genres and with different, sometimes opposite, meanings. But each of them is the creator of their unique worlds, some of which the authors tried to present at the exhibition.
The gallery will run from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. seven days a week.
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