Exhibitions "Topography of Happiness. Kuryanovo"
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March 21 from 12.00 to 21.00 in the gallery "Pechatniki" of the Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" will open the exhibition "Topography of happiness. Kuryanovo. " The exhibition will feature experimental video works, photographs and other artifacts dedicated to the Kuryanovo microdistrict.
“Topography of happiness” is a project that tells about the happiness of people who live in the studied areas. Through in-depth interviews with the most ordinary people of different ages and professions, their history, experiences and personalized connection with the place, we describe how everyday life is organized and find a set of iconic places in these areas. Our goal is to study the forms of interaction between people and space, and how all this affects the happiness of its inhabitants.
Kuryanovo is a village in the south-east of Moscow, built on the banks of the river in the 50s of the last century for employees of the aeration (water treatment) station serving the west of the city. This is a comprehensive urban development project related to a special enterprise and includes residential buildings, hospitals, clinics, schools, kindergartens and leisure places. Over time, life in Kuryanovo has changed dramatically. Today this area is isolated and very different from the rest of Moscow.
The first stage of the project “Topography of happiness. Kuryanovo ”was a sociological study, as a result of which about thirty in-depth interviews with residents of the district were conducted and analyzed. The next step was the inclusion in the project of a group of media artists who rethought the data obtained at the previous stage and prepared a series of multimedia films. The final stage of the project will be the exhibition “Topography of Happiness. Kuryanovo ”, which will feature photographs, research and multimedia dedicated to the area as a unique space in terms of history, culture and topography.
The project was made by:
Albert Soldatov / Andrey Cherkasov / Dasha Gusakova / (media artists)
Artyom Gerasimenko (curator of the research part)
Anna Selyanina (curator of multimedia)
Lela Zhvirblis (sociologist)
Margarita Chistakova (coordinator)
Program for March 21
12:00 Exhibition opening
12: 30-12: 45 Speech by the curators with a welcoming speech
13:00 Excursion to the aeration station Kuryanovo (pre-registration) - GROUP 1
13: 00-14: 15 Walking tour of the Kuryanovo microdistrict (we invite everyone)
15:00 Excursion to the aeration station Kuryanovo (preliminary appointment) - GROUP 2
14:15 - 14:30 Lunch
Seminar “Junior Curatorial Advice for Local Cultural Institutions”
Purpose: development of a universal model of interaction between student communities and local cultural institutions.
14:45 - 15:00 The specifics of the work of exhibition halls (Olga Hartman / Larisa Grinberg).
15:00 - 15:15 Experience of cultural institutions (Maria Lisina "ZIL Cultural Center").
15:15 - 15:30 Urban studies involving residents (Lelia вvirblis, Bureau URBAN St’14).
15:30 - 15:45 Artistic fixation of the urban environment and new media (Anna Selyanina, “CITY CODE”).
15:45 - 16:00 Questions and discussion.
16:00 - 17:00 Development of a model for collaboration between cultural institutions and student communities.
17:00 - 17:15 Summing up, exchange of views.
Pechatniki Gallery of the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association.
The project is being implemented with financial support from the Moscow City Department of Culture and organizational support from the Moscow City Budgetary Institution “Moscow Agency for the Development of Territories by means of Culture“ MosART ”
Project partners:
The film company "First Cinema" was founded in 2001 in Moscow. The main goal of the company is the creation of interdisciplinary cultural projects, as well as the development of documentary films and work in related genres: documentary theater, music video industry, web documentary. The works of the First Cinema were awarded national and international prizes in the field of cinematography and theatrical art. www.pervoe.ru
Urban Street 14 Design Bureau is a community of young professionals in urban development and socio-cultural design. www.urbanstreet14.ru
The exhibition will be held from March 21 to April 21, 2015.
Address: m. "Pechatniki", st. Batyuninskaya d. 14
Gallery hours: Tue - sun., 11: 00 – 20: 00