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Two exhibitions “Metro and War” and “Art of Winners” dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory in the Great Patriotic War will start at the All-Russian Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts.
Exhibitions will be held from April 24 to June 28, 2015.
Address: st. Delegatskaya 3
Metro and War
Metro in Moscow is more than metro. This is not only a transport system, but also a unique art complex permeated with history. The exhibition "Metro and War" will tell about the war, the development of resistance and victory on the example of the "ordinary" life of the Moscow Metro in 1941-1945.
The mission of the exhibition is to show the war or, more precisely, life during the war on two scales: a country with a theater of operations and a city that has gone underground, and also in two planes - emotional and chronic.
The exhibition will feature rare materials from the Russian State Archive of Cinema and photo documents, the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History, the Central City Archive of Moscow, the Russian State Library. The chronicle of the exhibition will lead the visitor from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945 day after day, listing the captured cities, the loss of parties, the opening of new stations, the names of the artists working on them, the daily ration, the number of raids on Moscow, etc.
The emotional part of the exhibition will be revealed using the media component. Turning to the period of the Great Patriotic War allows us to see how history penetrates the vaults of the subway and begins to take shape not only from big events, but also from the actions and feelings of individuals. Visitors will be able to familiarize themselves with the memories of people on whose actions events of various scales depended, but each of which is now equally valuable.
The victory and feat of the Soviet people became a key theme for the new style, the style of victory formed in the post-war years. At the exhibition, this topic will be revealed with the help of post-war architectural sketches and graphic art of students of the Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow Art Theater named after Stroganov, who were students of M.O. Barshcha, L.M. Polyakova, G.I. Motovilova, G.I. Opryshko, I.E. Rozhin and other creators of the Moscow Metro.
The goal of the exhibition is to reach a new level of “emotionality”, to revive the facts, show the reality of experiences, the reality of decisions made and among the many important decisions to “highlight” one thing - the decision to create during the war.
Art of the winners
The goal of the project is to express the significance and scale of Victory in the language of art. Art opens up the widest possibilities for imaginative and emotional experience. The time frame for such a concept as “art of the winners” covers the period from 1945 until the mid-1950s. The materials of the following decades will also be included in the exhibition, since the theme of the war is not forgotten in the public mind.
The exhibition will reveal the theme of the Great Victory through works of decorative art that form the human environment closest to him. The exhibition will present unique items from the collection of the All-Russian Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts: sculptures of Kasli art casting, works by artists of the Gus-Khrustalny and Leningrad art glass factories, carpet weaving items of Turkmenistan and Dagestan, products of masters Mstera, Fedoskino and Kholuy.
Of particular interest are the products of the Vologda laceworkers dedicated to the Great Victory, the post-war works of masters of the Dmitrovsky porcelain and Konakovsky faience factories.
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