Exhibition "Golden World" by Elena Kiseleva
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с 2 Сентября
по 1 ОктябряТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, д.70
Graphic artist and painter, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, member of the St. Petersburg and German bookplate society, winner of international bookplate competitions. Her exhibitions are successfully held in many countries of Europe, and her works are stored in the largest museums in Russia and abroad: the Museum of Non-Conformist Art in St. Petersburg, the Bookplate Museum in Moscow, the Bookplate Center in the USA, the Museum of Art in Denmark and others.
Lives in Gatchina and St. Petersburg, where, mainly, he creates his own paintings. However, he writes not only at home, but also in Europe. So a series of paintings "The Golden City" was conceived in Austria in 2001. This happened while working in the Global Gallery of Professor Nick Titz (Global gallery), operating under the auspices of UNESCO for more than 25 years. First, the idea arose to embody an ideal world, create your vision of the promised land, reflect the search for a lost paradise. At this time, the first fantasy paintings appeared, not related to specific geographical places. But once an idea came to combine this concept with real cities, because there are many beautiful places in the sublunary world - not only in dreams.
Now the series includes more than 120 paintings that have been exhibited in various countries. Many of them dispersed into private and museum collections, which is not surprising, since the theme and elegant performance do not leave spectators indifferent.
Elena Kiseleva dedicated the exhibition to the “ARMMUSE” to cities. The epithet "golden" here has a direct and figurative meaning. Indeed, the selected cities are combined into a precious, faceted cubism, gold-framed painting, a necklace. If you imagine that you can look at the exhibition with a single look, then a single tonality of color with the “golden” dominant is obvious. The cities are real and fantastic at the same time, which, including the imagination of the viewer, suggests that he himself see the “subtext” in familiar landscapes, erase the tidiness of everyday life from them, as Elena Kiseleva managed to do it.
“An ex-librisist is, by definition, literary-centric, but Elena’s gift of the painter is still evident with obvious clarity. It is as if she immerses her drawing in a picturesque solution, and solid structures, like crystals, are formed from an amorphous-chaotic principle swirling in a delicate color. I recall here the thought of Father Pavel Forensky about the volitional activity of graphics and the dissolving all-perception of painting. If for a “pure” painter the plot is based on the interaction of color, then for a graphic artist this is a certain event, real or imagined, which he immortalizes on canvas. Elena Kiseleva knows how to see and compose events, ”Nikolai Blagodatov, art critic.
Dates of the exhibition: from September 2 to October 1
Gallery "Design club", 2nd floor.
Creative cluster ARTMUZA