Automatic translate
с 9 по 24 Декабря
Центральный Дом художника
Крымский Вал, 10
Partnership of Free Artists
in partnership with Artcultivator
Central House of Artists, Krymsky Val, 10
December 9 - December 24, 2017
Artcultivator presents the exhibition "Winter Meeting". This is not only an exhibition, but also a kind of constituent assembly of a creative group formed in the last year in one of Moscow’s workshops. It is there that artists have been meeting at drawing sessions for a long time, and students, collectors and other people who are not indifferent to art are gathering.
“Winter Meeting” is the first collective exhibition of artist-comrades: Hadji Murad Alikhanov, Ekaterina Dvorkovich, Igor Lazarev, Ksenia Meleshkina, Svetlana Smagina and Olga Khrustaleva. The exhibition presents more than 30 works created by the authors in pictorial and graphic techniques, as well as works by sculptor Igor Luksht.
The exhibition will be held from December 9 to 24 in the 16th hall of the Central House of Artists (3rd floor)
- "Live in Moscow" To the 80th anniversary of D.А. Prigova
- Exhibition "Summer Meeting"
- Hadji Murad Alikhanov. COLOR and LIGHT. Exhibition of Painting and Graphics
- "Far Edge" Dynasty of artists Kambulatov. Dagestan
- “Hope And Other Dangerous Pursuits” by Laila Lalami
- "Hadji Murad" by Leo Tolstoy, summary
- Transformatio. Contemporary art of Dagestan. 16+