Exhibition "Picturesque Shores. Kaluga Pushkianiana. Dukhanov". Painting
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с 25 Августа
по 1 ОктябряКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103
On August 25 at 15-00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103, the blue hall) the grand opening of the exhibition “Picturesque Shores. Kaluga Pushkiniana. Dukhanov ". Painting.
2017 is the year of memory of the poet A.S. Pushkin - an aristocrat, a descendant of an ancient family known since the time of Alexander Nevsky, a poet - born for Olympus; from whose lips the hymn of joy to God was sung on behalf of Russia, through all its sufferings. Bright service to art remained the will of the poet to his descendants.
This exhibition is dedicated to the memory of A.S. Pushkin and his inspired muse, the first Russian beauty of his time, his true love - Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharova, who grew up on the picturesque banks of Sukhodrev in the estate of her grandfather Afanasy Nikolayevich Goncharov in the Polotnyany plant.
The exposition includes a number of still lifes with flowers, bouquets of blooming lilacs, apple trees, jasmine, peonies - this is a miracle on earth, that spiritual clothing that a woman “puts on”, so from portrait to portrait we see the dress as a symbol of purity, virginity. At the exhibition you can also see a number of landscapes associated with the Linen factory.
The works of the artists Dukhanov Gennady, Vladimir, Tatiana and Cyril are associated with the traditions of Russian classical painting of the 19-20 centuries.
Gennady Ivanovich (1954 -2011) is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia. An artist of the post-war era of the 20th century, deeply feeling the new that was born in modern art life. His sketches related to the Linen Factory, written in a wide brushstroke and have a sculptural volume. He emphasizes the strict simplicity, laconicism of the composition; colors sound natural, natural shades of color, and under the influence of light light up bright splashes. The artist follows the calm, natural course of life. The images of nature are taken from real life itself. He strives in every simple motive to see something sublime, important, which determines the love of the motherland. The artist who went through the war seeks to express this love in the simplest natural phenomena, showing the viewer how beautiful life itself is and how it should be protected.
Dukhanov Vladimir Gennadievich (1954 -2011)
Russian painting has long been, since the time of Venetsianov, intermarried with poetry. Here is Kaluzhinan Vladimir Dukhanov, both a painter and a poet. His paintings, landscapes, still lifes are picturesque lyrics: poems and poems written with a brush. And this despite the fact that Dukhanov is a master of painting. A graduate of the Leningrad Academy of Arts, he, of course, confidently owned his difficult craft. But he did not flaunt his skills at all. Everything done by Dukhanov seems surprisingly simple. And this, by the way, also is evidence of mastery: after all, the more it is, the more inconspicuous it is. It was true professionalism that allowed Dukhanov, somehow very naturally, without tension, to create even large-format compositions. He painted as poetry is written: not composing anything, but only welcoming the beauty that flies to meet him.
Dukhanova Tatyana Anatolyevna
In the spring, when the streets of the Linen factory are buried in blooming lilacs, the artist paints these flowers in various compositional solutions. Approved by the solemn and bright joy of life, the canvases created during this period are imbued: “I remember a wonderful moment”, “Sunflowers”, “Evening lilac”, “In a boat”, “When jasmine blooms”, “Wildflowers”. The artist is in search of the spiritual, inner beauty of a female image worthy of the word of a genius: “The purest delights, the purest example”. So there are portraits with the image of the first Russian beauty of the 19th century. “Over a cup of tea”, “Pearl necklace”, “Tasha in Polotnyany”, “Madonna” in which the author carefully peers, looking for the beauty of the Russian soul appointed by the poet.
Dukhanov Kirill Vladimirovich
Member of the Union of Artists of Russia
Cyril contained the work of two generations. His Pushkiniana is “The Bridge in Pushgory”, “The Old Mill”, Alupka, with the image of the Vorontsov Palace, where the poet loved to be. Bakhchisaray overlooking the mountains, the sea and its overflows of light during the hours of sunrise and sunset. In the artist’s paintings, a lively sense of personal experience is directly expressed. The main means in conveying the state in the landscape is light and color. This is an amazing moment that the eye barely has time to fix and which then remains for a long time in memory as a moment of the highest harmony. The artist easily transfers the moment of beauty to the canvas, endowing it with tangible sensations and subtle vibrations that with all reality arise when interacting with a painting.
The exhibition runs until October 1,
To the address: st. Lenin, 103 (blue hall)
Tel for reference: 56-28-30