Exhibition of painting by Irina Moskaleva "Contemplate. Admire. Create"
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с 11 Июня
по 3 СентябряТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Gallery “Ul. Bolshaya Handicraft ”, 4th floor.

The artistic method of Moskaleva is based on the foundations of post-impressionism. The author of colorful paintings is known for her pictorial and graphic portraits, still lifes, landscapes and genre compositions. For a long period of creativity, the artist worked on the study of nature and devoted much time to plein air practice. Then, finding in an exotic palette all the pristine purity of new color finds, the artist devoted a lot of time to working in the workshop, forming an impressive series of paintings depicting the nature and life of African countries. The recognizable palette of Irina Moskaleva is rich in bold and sonorous colors, each brush stroke lays on the canvas, creating the illusion of a glow from the inside and filling the artist’s canvas with special warmth and light. The author’s paintings are characterized by the contemplation and deep joy of a person who not only sees the diversity and beauty of the immense world around him, but also knows how to recognize and capture this beauty on canvas, conveying his vision to the viewer.
- Exhibition of works by Valentina Kuznetsova. Ceramics, Graphics
- Igor Dryomin: Pantomime colors
- Exhibitions "Kaleidoscope of Consciousness" and "Glow" in the Agora Gallery
- Show-exhibition of disappearing paintings "Ultraviolet World"
- Igor Burmistrov "The Color of Memory"