Exhibition of paintings and drawings by Dmitry Kolistratov "Quiet place"
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с 5 Сентября
по 3 ОктябряТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Gallery "Artist’s Studio", 3rd floor.
Personal exhibition of Moscow artist Dmitry Kolistratov, participant of numerous exhibition projects in Russia and international competitions. The exposition includes the artist’s works of different years, the series “Strength”, “Blind city”, “Not life, but a fairy tale”.
The exhibition at the ARTMUSE will be a continuation of the artist’s projects exploring space as a source of internal conflict. Landscapes and compositions on the themes of the city and the interior, the Cold War, beauty and harmony are realistic, from the point of view of the image method, but at the same time parallel to reality. Using a slight deviation from it, the artist focuses the attention of the viewer on the concept of “border” as a constraint, the boundaries of the world, the boundless and / or limited space of space and space.
Free admission!
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