Exhibition of Yuri Nabatov "M&G:
Past, Present, Future in Author’s Photography"
Automatic translate
с 1 по 15 Ноября
Саратовское художественное училище им. А.П.Боголюбова
ул. Университетская, 59
The Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts and the Creative Union of Russian Artists present Yuri Nabatov’s anniversary project “M&G: Past, Present, Future in Author’s Photography”. To the 75th birthday.
The head of the Creative workshops PORAH and TSHR - Konstantin Khudyakov
Curator of Creative workshops PORAH and TSHR - Svetlana Kuznetsova
The author of the idea is Yuri Nabatov
Organizers: Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts, the Creative Union of Russian Artists with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Saratov Region and the Saratov Art College named after A.P. Bogolyubov.
Opening of the exhibition on November 1, 2017 at 16.00 in the SKH them. A.P. Bogolyubova (Saratov, Universitetskaya St., 59).
Dates of exposure: November 1-15, 2017.
The name of the MIG photo exhibition is a close concept for Yuri Vasilievich Nabatov. The word has a double meaning: “a moment of a lived life” and “a moment” - an instant, a very short period of time that is given for shooting.
The peculiarity of Nabatov’s pictures is a rapid movement: from reporting to portrait, from landscape to street photography, from sports to documentary, architectural, mobilography, etc.
The MIG exhibition project contains more than 60 photographs created by Yuri Nabatov over the past five years (2013-2017). In the year of his 70th anniversary, already back in 2012, Yuri Vasilievich prepared an exhibition in the format of which selected works of different periods were presented. Today the hero of the day is ready to report for the next creative “five-year plan”.
The exhibition is conditionally divided into different genres and thematic sections: LIFE, REPORTING, PORTRAIT, ENTERTAINMENT, SPORT, CULTURE, ARCHITECTURE.
The words of Alexander Rodchenko, once spoken about the art of photography, are close to the author of the exhibition, Yuri Nabatov: “I created TODAY to search for new things tomorrow, although it will be nothing compared to yesterday, but the day after tomorrow I will surpass today’s.”
This project should cause the viewer an instant signal - MIG - a fleeting flash that is born from contact with real art. The master’s works will delight in color. At the same time, a monochrome image with which the master once came to photojournalism will be presented.
Yuri Vasilievich Nabatov is a professional photographer and journalist, a recognized master of reportage and art photography. Graduate of Kazan State University (1975). He became interested in photography as a child, visiting the photo circle of the City Palace of Pioneers. He began to work professionally at the age of seventeen, when he became a photojournalist of the Saratov newspaper “Dawn of Youth”. Later he worked in the regional newspaper “Communist”, and since 1971 - in the Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (TASS) in the Saratov and Penza regions, where he worked for 34 years. In 2005, when he left the agency, he came to the weekly newspaper “Saratov View” (currently the information agency “Look-info”).
Since 1963 - member of the Union of Journalists of Russia. Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia since 2013.
Repeated participant in regional, all-Union, international exhibitions “Interpressfoto” (1975, 1977), awarded with medals and diplomas. His works were published in the albums: “Fotojahrbuch international 1977”, “Years, people, life” (Germany), “Photo-80”, “Best pictures of the year” (Moscow), “Olympics-80”, “Features of the Saratov province”, “Between the past and the future: Saratov through the eyes of modern masters”; in magazines: “Soviet Photo”, “Twinkle”, “Foto & Video” and others. The Swiss publishing house included his name in the encyclopedia of famous figures “Who is Who in Russia” (2007). Member of the interregional academic exhibitions “Red Gate / Against the Current” (2014, 2016), exhibition projects of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts and TSHR “Square Meter” (2015), “Home from Heaven. Photo expedition to Lake Elton ”(2016).
He was awarded the Honorary Badge of the Governor of the Saratov Region “For Love for the Homeland”, the Honorary Badge of the Union of Journalists of Russia “For Merits to the Professional Community” (2011), and was awarded the Gratitude of the Russian Academy of Arts (2014). Lives and works in Saratov.