Exhibition of Yulia Merzlikina "REFLECTIONS"
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с 19 Апреля
по 8 МаяРоссийская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
April 19 at 16.30 in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts at the address: st. Prechistenka, 21 opens an exhibition of works by Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Julia Merzlikina “Reflections”.
The exhibition introduces the author’s unique works of different years, the viewer will see many works for the first time.
Art glass became the main material of Y. Merzlikina’s work. In 1992, she graduated from the Moscow Higher School of Industrial Art (formerly Stroganovskoe). In 1999 she defended her thesis on “Optical glass in decorative and applied art”, in which she formulated a creative credo in working with this material.
Space-illusion and its playful perception is one of the pressing topics in contemporary art. Having created a number of original works, including stained glass panels from optical glass for interiors, Merzlikina declared herself as a bright creative person with her recognizable authorial style. Her first compositions: “Black Hole”, “Universe”, “Breath of Fire” attracted attention by the unusualness of the figurative-plastic system and means of expression.
In the general evolution of art glass from an object to an art object, the works of Yu. Merzlikina played a decisive role.
Innovative searches of the author are inextricably linked with an experiment in the field of copyright technology. She perfectly owns a wide palette of technical means, here both plastic molds from hot blown glass and volumetric-spatial structures from sheet and mirror glass. Its objects are always consonant and organic to the environmental situation; they are torn into the architectural space, into the open air.
Yu. Merzlikina constantly takes part in open-air exhibitions on Yelagin Island in St. Petersburg, in the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, Arkhangelskoye Estate, the Russian Academy of Arts, etc. In the open space, compositions-installations made of mirror glass with their spatial illusory, optical effect (series "Reflections").
The artist, with her inherent ability to spatial thinking, breathed into a material such as flat sheet glass the sensation of plastic three-dimensional volume, light and air (series “Clouds”: “Rain”, “Thunderstorm”, “Snow”, “Wind”).
A true innovation in the domestic glass-making was the Merlikina series “Cubes”, perceived as “code” signs of the author. Compositions from the series "Elements" transform the space, saturating it with the emission of light and color, the tension of rhythms. The echoes of the lessons of Russian constructivism are felt in them, and at the same time they exist as self-significant volumetric-spatial art objects.
The high professionalism of Yu. Merzlikina was clearly manifested when creating a number of architectural and artistic works: a series of stained-glass windows for the interiors of the residence of Patriarch Alexy II in Peredelkino, decorative and light compositions for the interiors of the head office of Vneshtorgbank of Russia in Moscow.
Yu. Merzlikina is a participant in many art exhibitions, as well as major Russian and international glass symposia, including in the city of Nikolsk, Penza Region, which has become the center of Russian glass making. Her work with glass blowers is a master class for aspiring artists, and the works themselves, created using the technique of blown glass, are examples of high plastic culture.
Since 2008, Yu. N. Merzlikina heads the Department of Art Glass at the Moscow State Art and Industry Academy named after S. G. Stroganova, raising a whole generation of young artists.
Merzlikina’s works are included in the collections of leading Russian and European museums of decorative and contemporary art. Among them are the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art, the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, the Museum of Glass of the Elaginoostrovsky Palace Museum in St. Petersburg, the Museum of Glass in Gus-Khrustalny, as well as galleries in the USA, Finland, Switzerland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic.
Julia Merzlikina is an artist of her time. She sensitively captures his aesthetic orientations, his spatio-temporal dimensions and how a great talented artist conveys her feelings in the “brilliant” art of glass.
The exhibition runs on May 8, 2016.
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