Exhibition by Yulia Kokueva "Sounds of Silence"
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с 6 Февраля
по 7 МартаМузейно-выставочный комплекс Школы акварели Сергея Андрияки
Гороховский переулок, 17
The exhibition will feature over 100 graphic works made in the technique of etching, lithography, as well as mixed media.
Yulia Kokueva has been a teacher at the Sergey Andriyaka School of Watercolors since 2007. Teaches the subject "Fine arts (drawing, painting, composition)" for children and adults. The works of her students are exhibited at exhibitions within the framework of the regional project “School of watercolors by Sergei Andriyaka. Master and disciple. "
The artist works in the technique of oil painting, pencil, charcoal, oil pastels, but the master’s favorite materials are pencil, graphite, mixed techniques.
The exhibition presents two main themes - the urban landscape of St. Petersburg and the secluded life of an old dacha. The author surprisingly accurately manages to capture and convey in his work the atmosphere of his beloved city, the linearity of urban space.
The exhibition will be of interest not only to art historians, gallery owners and museum workers. The project is addressed, first of all, to a wide range of visitors, everyone who is interested in the modern rethinking of historical and cultural traditions.
The graceful works of the master, with their original interpretation of the national artistic heritage, will find a lively response from the most discerning audience. Here is a rich palette of feelings - nostalgia and love, sadness and delight. The intimacy of the works, the natural tact and attentive gaze of the author are captivating.
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