Exhibition of Yulia Erokhina "Rainbow of feelings of Yulia Erokhina"
Automatic translate
с 1 по 17 Апреля
Городской выставочный зал им. Н. А. Нужина
ул. Свободы, д. 15
Julia Vladimirovna Erokhina was born in Petushki, Vladimir Region. Currently lives and works in Moscow. Member of the Creative and Professional Unions of Artists of Russia, and the Moscow Association of Artists of the International Art Fund.
Being a vivid representative of the avant-garde in contemporary art, Julia Erokhina does not limit herself to the narrow boundaries of any direction. This is an artist with great creative potential, constantly looking for and adding something new to his ART style, despite the fact that her style remains completely recognizable. Her work is nonchalant and subjective, sensual and impulsive.
The works of Julia Erokhina were exhibited and became laureates at many Russian and international exhibitions and contests of contemporary art in Prague (Czech Republic), Lisbon (Portugal), Venice (Italy), Berlin and Dresden (Germany); stored in the collections of several museums, private collections in Russia and abroad.
The exhibition, which takes place in Yaroslavl, presents works of recent years. These are landscapes, still lifes, genre works painted in oil and acrylic. Featuring a plot-thematic variety, they carry the ENERGY of LOVE and the entire palette of the RAINBOW OF SENSE of the artist.
The exhibition runs from April 1 to 17, 2016
Category 0+
Opening hours from 11. 00 to 19. 00. ticket office until 18. 00 hours.
The day off is Monday.
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