Yan Dunjian Exhibition "Flowers and Birds"
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с 6 Августа
по 30 СентябряНациональная художественная галерея “Хазинэ”
Кремль, проезд Шейнкмана, 12, 3-й подъезд
For the first time in Kazan, a unique exhibition of paintings and drawings by a top-class artist at the Ministry of Culture of China, Yan Dunjian, organized by the St. Petersburg Center for the Arts will be held. The author of the exposition is a member of the board of the Shenzhen Union of Artists, Deputy Executive Director of the Center for Cultural Interaction in the Field of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting, Deputy Secretary of the Special Committee of Calligraphy and Painting at the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China, Head of the Beijing Academy of Calligraphy and Painting Haiyue, Guest Artist of the Huang Tingjiang Academy of Painting, artist recommended by the "Art of China".
Yan Dongjian from childhood showed the ability to draw. At the age of ten, he studied with artists Xu Peichen and Cheng Dali, at the age of seventeen he took part in an art exhibition in Jiangsu Province. At the age of twenty, he participated in a group of art exhibitions of the Nanjing Military District; at twenty-three, he entered the Nanjing Pedagogical Institute. For another ten years, the artist studied external forms of art. Yan Dunjian is an artist who honors traditional Chinese art, follows his canons. But he is not afraid to experiment. For more than thirty years, the artist has been working in the “gunbi” style in the genre of “flowers and birds” and “mountains and rivers”. He gives a fresh interpretation of this traditional theme in Chinese painting. For him, the “gunby” style represents a special elegance, and elegance is a sign of the paintings of the southern school of landscape painting. The artist with the help of objects expresses his own feelings, not subject to restrictions - this is the main difference between Chinese painting and Western. Yan Dunjian is constantly searching for the expression of the beautiful. Despite the fact that flowers and birds are natural creatures, for the artist they are also a subject for contemplation of human life. “Flowers are eloquent,” and the ability to express feelings through objects is a sign of outstanding craftsmanship.
Yan Dunjian is not only an outstanding artist, but also a great poet, prose writer, and publicist. The analytical talent of the artist was especially pronounced in his thoughts on the theory of art. In “Chinese ink painting - traditions and“ genetic recombination ”, Yan Dunjian, using the drawing technique, explores the origins of the development of Chinese painting and its new forms of embodiment in the works of contemporary artists.
The artist’s biography was included in such editions of lexicographic literature as The Great Dictionary of World Calligraphy and Engraving, The Chinese Biographical Dictionary of Contemporaries, The Talents of China, The Graceful Genres of Chinese Versification, The Emigrant Star, etc. The works of Yan Dunjiang are a collection of many art and private organizations in China and abroad. His work has been of interest to art lovers for many years. And art publications, one by one, order articles with his participation, which once again proves the relevance of the artist.
You can visit the exhibition until mid-October. In total, more than 60 works by the artist are presented.
- Igor Dryomin: "Flowers and Birds". Exhibition of Yan Dunjiang
- Yan Dongjian. "FLOWERS AND BIRDS"
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