Exhibition "I’m not a robot. Wrong answer!"
Automatic translate
с 30 Октября
по 29 НоябряPRO ARTS
ул.Театральная, д.9

Artists: Alexey Vasiliev and Julia Agenosova
Curator: Maria Mayorova
The art project of Alexey Vasiliev and Julia Agenosova “I am not a robot. The wrong answer! ”Is a futuristic forecast for the development of mankind, the thought of two artists about the human in Man in an era of impending technological singularity and the emergence of the phenomenon of“ posthuman ”.
The project was specially prepared and shown at the VII international fair of contemporary art COSMOSCOW in Moscow.
Free admission.
- Sergio De La Pava will arrive in Moscow as part of the project "Written in the USA / Written in America"
- American authors will talk about contemporary poetry in the framework of the project "Written in the USA / Written in America"
- Art project POP-UTOPIA
- “Super Sad True Love Story” by Gary Shteyngart
- Lecture by film critic Eugene Maisel "Developing Bergman: Lucresia Martel and her criticism of the bourgeois family
- Exhibition "Before a Choice in the Maze of Life"
Information and visual promotional materials is provided by the event organizer.