Exhibition of artists of the school B.A. Dekhterev
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с 7 Июня
по 8 ИюляМузейно-выставочный комплекс Школы акварели Сергея Андрияки
Гороховский переулок, 17
From June 7 to July 8, 2018, Moscow viewers have a unique opportunity to see a wonderful collection of Soviet graphic art in the museum and exhibition complex of the Sergey Andriyaka School of Watercolor.

Exhibition “Line. Spot. Hatch. The artists of the school of B. A. Dekhterev ”will make it possible to get to know the works of the artists of the workshop of the famous Soviet graphic artist and teacher: V. I. Andrushkevich, N. I. Kalita, L. P. Durasov, Yu. M. Rakutin, V. P. Panova and G.A. Mazurina. It is worth noting that the work of the students of Boris Alexandrovich Dekhterev for several decades determined the development of domestic book graphics.
At the exhibition, viewers will be able to see illustrations by Vladimir Ilyich Andrushkevich to the story of M. Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man”, look at old Vilnius and Moscow through the eyes of the honored artist of Russia Vladimir Petrovich Panov. A separate section of the exhibition will comprise the work of the famous master of easel graphics Nikolai Ivanovich Kalita. His portraits of Russian and foreign poets and writers attract the attention of viewers thanks to the technique of woodcut.
Within the framework of the exhibition project, about 100 works presented in various techniques of the original and printed graphics are presented. We hope that the high level of skill of the artists and their ability in a small engraving to convey talented and capacious deep content will be appreciated.
The exhibition runs until July 08, 2018.
- Performance "Chestnut"
- Larisa Andrushkevich. SEASONS. The photo
- "History of Moscow for children and adults"
- Book illustration of Boris Dekhterev