Exhibition of artists from Australia and New Zealand
Automatic translate
Artists from Australia and New Zealand will be featured in Land of Vice versa exhibitions. They draw inspiration from the history of their countries, the grandeur of nature, travels around the world and reflection, offering a unique and unforgettable look at the “familiar unfamiliar” world. The solo exhibition of artist Nicole Tremblay Sovereign Women presents the artist’s view of the primordially female world. “I have always admired how women can be presented in art,” the artist says, “as well as the inspiration they represent.”
At the Enigma Gate exhibition, a talented group of artists will present abstract spheres, high-energy explosions of flowers and flowing geometric shapes. The Modern Perspectives exhibition draws, opens and invents spaces within the work of art by the hands of the artists represented. They explore the surrounding and inner worlds through landscapes, still lifes and scenes from life.
The exhibitions will open their doors on May 19 and will continue to delight the eyes of guests until June 9, 2015. Opening - May 21 at 18-00. Entrance to the exhibition is free.
Opening hours: Tue-Sat 11-6
Address: 530 West 25th St, Chelsea, New York
About exhibitions virtually: http://www.agora-gallery.com/receptionexhibitions/5_21_2015.aspx
Artists at exhibitions:
Sovereign Women
Nicole tremblay
Enigma Gate
Paul Haehlen, Fred Tieken, Cordell Taylor, SANTONI Siegfried, BA Mintz, Jörg Guyer, Jordan Clayton, SJA Tomalak, Susan Marx, Haviv Hauspeter, Sheila Susanna Shelton
Earth on the contrary
Christine Read, Ian Kingsford-Smith, Samantha Yallope, Megan Harmer, Tracey Harvey, Ludmila Kouzmin, Jimmy James Kouratoras, Sandy McLean, Colin Grant, Hilary Hatfield, BJ Runningbear, Ysabelle Dauguet, Linden Dean
Modern Perspectives
Dianne Bernstein, Bill Greiner, Grace Dam, Loovan, Alexandra Weidmann, Nancy Klos, Gerry Defries, Jerry Anderson
About gallery
Agora Gallery was founded in 1984. Agora Gallery is a fine art gallery whose primary goal is to help promote American and foreign artists by presenting their works to new and established collectors. The gallery also organizes special events to support fine art and socially significant events. The gallery issues the magazine "ArtisSpectrum" and is the sponsor of the portal "Art Mine".
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