Exhibition "Artists of the School of Watercolor. Painting, Graphics"
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с 12 Сентября
по 18 ОктябряМВК Школы акварели Сергея Андрияки
Гороховский пер., 17
From September 12 to October 18, 2015, the exhibition “Artists of the Watercolor School. Painting, graphics. " The exhibition will present a creative report for the past academic year of a team of artists and educators, most of whom have been working at the School since its inception. The exposition will include landscapes, still lifes, portraits, genre scenes, made both in the technique of classical multilayer watercolors, and in oil, in pencil.
The creativity of the artists of the School of Watercolor arouses well-deserved interest among the audience and connoisseurs of classical watercolor painting, and this interest is growing from year to year. All of them brilliantly own the unique technique of classical multilayer watercolors, which the School is so famous for, each of them is an established creative personality with a pronounced personality. Their exhibitions with constant success are held in museums and exhibition halls in Moscow and other cities of Russia, their works are in museums and private collections in Russia and abroad.
Many artists of the School of Watercolors found their creative personality precisely during the period of pedagogical activity. “Teaching others, teach yourself,” - this phrase best describes the exhibition, which proves that teaching is not only not an obstacle, but also on the contrary, helps the creative development of the artist.
We hope that visitors will enjoy the exhibition and appreciate the creative personality of our artists.
The vast experience gained during the master classes, the teacher’s desire to understand the students ’mistakes - all this helps artists to reveal their individuality and find their own visual language.
In the School of watercolors there is a creative continuity of "teacher - student." The exhibition presents the work of not only teachers working at the School from the day it was founded, but also those artists who brilliantly completed it and joined the creative team later.
The exhibition will be open from September 12 to October 18, 2015 from 11.00 to 19.00 (days off: Mon, Tue) at the Sergey Andriyaka School of Watercolor at 17 Gorokhovskiy per.
Inquiries by phone (495) 632-18-17
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