Exhibition "Artistic Varnishes. Where Fairy Tales Live"
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с 25 Сентября
по 22 НоябряБелгородский художественный музей
ул. Победы, 77
In the Year of Literature, the State Museum and Exhibition Center ROSIZO presents miniature paintings based on Russian folklore and fiction. These are the products of the famous art crafts of Central Russia - Mstera, Palekh, Kholuy and Fedoskin, where lacquer miniatures successfully and peculiarly developed over the course of the 20th century.
Ermolaev B.M. (1934-2001). Casket "Igor Campaign". 1985. On the plot of "Words about Igor’s Regiment". Papier-mâché, varnish, tempera, miniature painting. 6,5х19х26 Palekh, Ivanovo region
Kharchev B.V. (Born 1948). Casket "Sinyushkin well". 1988. On the plot of the tale by P.P. Bazhov. Papier-mâché, varnish, tempera, miniature painting. AT 4; D. - 14.5 Kholuy, Ivanovo Region
The exhibition covers almost five decades of the history of Soviet and Russian art from the 1950s to the 1990s, presenting the works of the best masters of the four crafts. Samples of their creativity, stored in the collection of decorative, applied and folk art of the State Museum and Exhibition Center “ROSIZO”, reflect the reference quality of art centers and the variety of forms of Russian lacquer painting.
Both in Russia and abroad, the names of the ancient Vladimir villages of Mstera, Palekh and Kholui are known, where whole dynasties of icon painters have lived since pre-Petrine times. They turned to decorative painting of lacquerware in the 1920s and 1930s, taking painting as a model on papier-mâché in the village of Fedoskino near Moscow, where miniature painters initially, from the end of the 18th century, developed secular subjects in decorative and applied art.
Brovkin V.A. (Born 1952). Casket "Snow Maiden". 1988. On the plot of the spring tale by A.N. Ostrovsky. Papier-mâché, varnish, tempera, miniature painting. 10x8x6 Palekh, Ivanovo Region
Khodov V.M. (1942 - 1988). Casket "We are the Red Cavalry". 1968. Papier-mache, varnish, tempera, miniature painting. 3.5x5.7x5.7 Palekh, Ivanovo Region
The new aesthetics of the lacquer surface, created in the 1920s. by Vladimir masters, organically incorporated many icon-painting techniques - from tempera techniques to stylization of figures and landscapes. One of the works in this manner gave the name to the exhibition: the box “Where Tales Live” was performed by Yevgeny Zhiryakov from Palekh (now the Ivanovo Region). In Fedoskino products, both in the 19th and 20th centuries, miniature oil painting reproduced the “great style” that was prevailing in secular easel art — romantic and realistic. An example is the portrait of A.S. Pushkin, painted by Viktor Lipitsky on the lid of a souvenir box.
The compact exposition of 60 items includes various forms of painted papier-mâché items, decorated with bright and whimsical paintings. Using the literary basis - fairy tales, epics, songs, artists known and popular among the people create complex compositions on a small plane. On the covers and side faces of caskets, small boxes, miniature secretaries, as well as plates, layers and other decorative items, an inquisitive and attentive audience will see the heroes beloved from childhood and their actions in a specific style.
Klipov A.N. (Born 1942). Box "The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf". 1985. Papier-mâché, lacquer, tempera, miniature painting. 5x7.5x6 Palekh, Ivanovo Region
Borunov A.V. (1920 - 1994). Casket "Oh, frost, frost." 1978. On the plot of the song (poems by Maria Uvarova). Papier-mâché, varnish, tempera, miniature painting. 5,5х17х24 Palekh, Ivanovo region
In the element of folk culture with its poetics and special aesthetics, miniaturists and authorial literary works are also involved. Paleshane Nikolai Lopatin and Alexander Terekhin, Vladislav Nekosov, Vladimir Sedov and Konstantin Strunin from Mstera, Boris Kiselev and Peter Mityashin from Kholuy, like many of their colleagues, created a kind of set of illustrations for Pushkin’s fairy tales, for the poem Ruslan and Lyudmila. An intricate-shaped small box “The Snow Maiden”, painted by Vladimir Brovkin from Palekh, conveyed the mystical atmosphere of the fairy tale by A.N. Ostrovsky. Boris Novoselov from the village of Kholui adorned the box “The Scarlet Flower” not only with an expressive scene on the plot of S.T. Aksakova, but also with decor along all the faces of the foundation. The same principle was used by Margarita Mamina-Butorina, a Palestinian woman, in the casket "Ivan Tsarevich". Galina Belousova turned the painting of a Palekh casket based on the tale of M.E. into a complex narrative, bringing together events of different times and different spatial plans. Saltykov-Shchedrin "As a man fed two generals."
Multi-figure compositions on a black or colored lacquer background are certainly complemented by landscape elements: Kremlin, temples, fantasy views of cities; “Curly” clouds, meadows strewn with flowers, groves consisting of trees with a spreading crown and trunks that echo the movement of the characters. Combined with a whirlwind of draperies characteristic of the icon-painting style - sails and robes, as if picked up by a gust of wind - this enhances the ornamentality of the work.
Konysheva L.I. (Born 1947). Casket "A guy is walking at sunset." 1981. On the plot of the song (verses by M.V. Isakovsky). Papier-mâché, varnish, tempera, miniature painting. 4x20x12 Palekh, Ivanovo Region
Belgorod Art Museum
Belgorod, st. Victory, 77
The day off is Tuesday, the last Friday of every month is a sanitary day.
Opening hours: from 10.00 to 19.00; Thursday from 11.00 to 20.00
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