Exhibition "All Forests Forest"
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с 8 Июня
по 16 ИюляПермская государственная художественная галерея
Комсомольский проспект, 4
June 8 at 18.30 in the Perm Art Gallery will open an exhibition dedicated to the Russian forest. Its beauty and significance for modern man will be presented through works of art and scientific rarities, ancient manuscripts and photographs, installations and video art. In addition to works from the collection of the Perm Gallery, exhibits from the Perm and Ilyinsky Local History Museums, Perm State National Research University, and private collections will be shown.
The viewer enters the space of the exhibition through a man-made forest installation created by modern young artists, plunges into his world and, simultaneously with movement in space, moves in time - from the depth of centuries to the present. The semantic sections, like branches of a tree, are intertwined, organically uniting into a single whole.
P. Vereshchagin. Chusovaya River. Stone Red
The theme of the Ural forest grows from the depths of the Perm period. What was he like a few million years ago? Paleontological rarities, presented to the viewer as artistic art objects, not only tell about trees and grasses that grew in the Kama region several million years ago, but also create an atmosphere of involvement in the last geological period of the Paleozoic era.
The basis of the exhibition is the richest collection of Russian art collected over 95 years of the gallery’s history: painting, sculpture, drawing, printed graphics. Including the work of the famous Russian landscape painter Ivan Shishkin, who became the "singer" of the Russian forest. In 2017, we celebrate the 185th anniversary of the master. For the first time in full, all the paintings and graphic works of the artist from the Perm collection will be shown - large-scale paintings, small sketches and drawings, etchings, the works of the wife and student of the artist Olga Lagoda-Shishkina. A diverse collection of Ural landscapes of the 19th and 20th centuries, paintings and drawings by Pyotr Vereshchagin, Afrikan Shanin, Alexei Denisov-Uralsky, Nikolai Gushchin, David Burliuk, Vladimir Plotnikov will organically complement the emotional story about the Russian forest.
A. Denisov-Uralsky. Runaway ray
A. Ovchinnikov. Sculpture. Owl
The village of Ilyinsky of the Perm province of the 19th century is a special world. Here lived and worked an outstanding forest researcher, chief manager of the Perm estate of the Counts Stroganov, scientist Alexander Teploukhov (1811-1885), his son, forest researcher Fedor Teploukhov (1845-1905), botanist Pavel Suzev (1867-1928). Photos, drawings, memorial items, manuscripts will help create the effect of presence, immersion in the past.
Communication with nature through works of art, emotional immersion in its world in the halls of the art museum gradually and unobtrusively teaches us to value and protect the priceless treasures that the forest gives us. This process is longer than environmental appeals, but much more convincing and effective. The curators of the exhibition, Irina Andrenko and Natalia Novopashina, consider the emotional component to be the most important: to see, hear, learn, once again admire the beauty of the world and, as a result, make every effort to save it for posterity.
The exhibition "All Forests Forest" will work in the Perm Gallery until July 16, 2017.
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