Exhibition "Universe of Ancestors"
Automatic translate
с 16 Сентября
по 3 ОктябряОтдел Сибирского искусства Иркутского областного художественного музея
ул. Карла Маркса, 23
On September 16 at the Gallery of Siberian Art (Karl Marx St., 23) the exhibition "The Universe of Ancestors" starts working. The exposition is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Ust-Orda National Center of Artistic Folk Crafts and the 60th anniversary of the artist Angelica Alsatkina - Honored Worker of Culture of the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, People’s Master of the Irkutsk Region.
The traditional culture of the Buryats is extremely rich and diverse in its images. The Eternal Blue Sky - the personification of the Creator of the universe, the source of Good and Light, is considered the ancestor of all living beings on Earth, is an object of reverence and worship. One of the oldest cults is the image of the heavenly bodies of the Sun and the Moon, as well as the Tree of the family - the most important symbol of the ancestor cult, which reflects the structure of the world and the place of man in it. With all this, thunder, lightning, fire, wind were especially revered - dangerous and formidable forces of nature, for people they seemed uncontrollable. All these images of previous generations about the Universe are reflected in the modern work of Angelica Alsatkina, Valentina Azhunova, Margarita Alekseeva, Victoria Banaeva, Eduard Kuklin, Yuri Kuklin, Ekaterina Osipova, Fedor Tulokhonov and Yulia Khargaeva.
The exposition contains about a hundred works of arts and crafts, painting and graphics. The exhibition "Universe of Ancestors" will be open in the Gallery of Siberian Art (Karl Marx St., 23) until October 3. Phone for inquiries and booking excursions: 33-43-89. We remind you of the need to observe the mask regime and social distance when visiting the museum.