Exhibition of Vladimir Dubossarsky "Speaks and shows the FB"
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с 22 Апреля
по 22 МаяМузейно-выставочный центр “Рабочий и колхозница”
Проспект Мира, 123б
The Electromuseum in Rostokino (Exhibition Halls of Moscow and the Moscow Center for Museum Development) and the Museum and Exhibition Association Manege present a personal exhibition by Vladimir Dubosarsky, “Speaks and Shows the Federal Bureau.”
On Thursday, April 21, at the Museum and Exhibition Center “Worker and Collective Farm Girl”, an exhibition by Vladimir Dubosarsky “Speaks and shows the FB” will open - an exhibition-reflection, the theme of which is the changing importance of art in general and painting in particular in the era of advanced information technologies, social networks, big data, etc.
Aidan, 2014, oil on canvas, 145x195
What does it mean to be an artist today? How does the creative method change under the influence of new technologies? Where are the boundaries between consumption and creation - between art and content? Who owns the information generated by "users" on the Internet? The main questions raised by Vladimir Dubosarsky at the exhibition “Talks and Shows the FB” sound just like that.
In the summer, 2014, oil on canvas, 195x290 (2 parts)
Over the past few years, Dubossarsky has created a series of paintings based on photographs posted by “friends” -photographers on the social network Facebook. In addition to paintings, the exhibition also contains fragments of the artist’s correspondence with the authors of photographs, which reflects paradoxical changes in the very essence of copyright. Also at the exhibition will be presented images created by a robot artist - a computer program trained in the creative style of Dubossarsky and independently painted several works. The meaning of connecting the robot to the project is to show that in the current state of technology, such an individual thing, like style, can be formalized and transferred to a computer, that is, the artist’s soul is digitized and alienated. In addition, selected places from the artist’s correspondence with the authors of photographs, voiced and recorded in the genre of radio plays, will become part of the exposition.
Golf. 2014. Oil on canvas. 195х195
At the opening of the exhibition on May 21, it will be possible to see the heroes of social networks themselves - those same "friends" whose pictures had tempted Vladimir Dubosarsky to make a project - in the form of live exhibition objects. A charity auction will also be organized at the vernissage, the proceeds from which will go to support the friends of Vladimir Dubosarsky, well-known Russian artists who currently need help.
Curator Aleksey Shulgin about the exhibition “Talks and shows FB”:
“As you probably already understood, Facebook is to blame for everything - a recent plug-in for the surrounding reality, used by people for communication, psychotherapy, information consumption, creativity and tracking one after another. Facebook, in turn, receives from you a “global license to use any material that is subject to the intellectual property rights that you post on Facebook.” Did you know about that? Did you know that Facebook can use any photos, videos and texts you publish, including for commercial purposes? The project “Talks and Shows the FB” Moscow artist Vladimir Dubosarsky challenges a powerful corporation by brazenly appropriating her photographs and transferring them to the canvas using picturesque means. The position of the artist is simple and modern. For him, Facebook is one of the channels of visual images along with printed materials, television and the good old world around us. Tracing the creative evolution of the author, we can recall that, working in a duet with Alexander Vinogradov, Dubossarsky actively used pictures from magazines, stacking collages from them, and then redrawing on canvas. The transition from magazine pictures to facebook looks quite logical. Looking at photos in a friend’s tape, Vladimir at some point realized - that’s it! Because some of the images were so consistent with his artistic vision that there was only one thing left - to take and transfer them to the canvas. Which he did. ”
Mirnash, 2014, oil on canvas, 145x195
The exhibition "Speaks and shows FB"
April 22 - May 22
Museum and Exhibition Center "Worker and Collective Farm Girl": +7 (495) 683-56-40, Prospekt Mira, 123b, metro station "VDNH"
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