Exhibition "Venetian masks. Carnival magic" (St. Petersburg)
Automatic translate
с 18 Ноября
по 16 ЯнваряУсадьба В.П. Сукачева
ул. Декабрьских Событий, 112
On November 18, the exhibition “Venetian masks. The magic of the carnival "from the collection of the" Art Center "(St. Petersburg). Exhibition, recreates the spirit of the holiday in the main square of Venice - San Marco. The exposition contains fifty masks made by hand by Venetian masters. Here you can see unique exhibits associated with the key characters of the Italian theater of commedia dell’arte.
The mysterious history of Venetian masks will be of interest to both adults and children. At the exhibition, anyone can become a part of a mesmerizing action, where the old customs of the Middle Ages are combined with modern haute couture. The masks are presented without frames: you can come up close, consider every detail and easily imagine yourself at a holiday in Venice. In addition to those created to be worn at the carnival, the exhibition features huge wall masks - real art objects that can decorate the walls of any palazzo. Here you can also find a selfie zone to feel like a part of the main Italian holiday of all time.
Exhibition “Venetian Masks. The magic of the carnival "will work in the Estate of V. P. Sukachev (December Events st., 112) until January 16, 2022. Telephone for inquiries and booking excursions: 53-12-24. Ticket prices: adult - 250 rubles, discount for students, schoolchildren, preschoolers and pensioners - 150 rubles, children under three years old - free.
IMPORTANT! We remind you that to visit the museum you need to have your passport (or a copy of it) and one of the following documents: a vaccination certificate with a QR code (or a COVID-19 vaccination certificate); a certificate of contraindications for vaccination and a negative PCR test; a certificate of the transferred COVID-19 (no more than 6 months from the date of recovery). This requirement does not apply to persons under the age of 18. We also remind you of the need to observe the mask regime and social distance.
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